Sandbox Kaiserpfalz

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ONEARM, Apr 25, 2010.


    ONEARM Ancient
    Senior Member

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    "The lost souls quietly haunt this palace. Who built this place, and what was its purpose?"

    You can download here: Kaiserpfalz


    Rocket Launcher


    Center Area (Pillar)


    Needler Spawn


    Red Room


    Blue Room


    Brute Shot/Active Camo


    Kaiserpfalz is a map that was constructed in the Crypt and the map is designed for 2-4 Players, but is not recommended for anything over 6 Players.

    Gametypes: Slayer, Team Slayer, Oddball, and KOTH.

    Kaiserpfalz is a map that has three main areas; The Red Room (which contains the Energy Sword), The Blue Room (which contains the Brute Shot and Active Camo), and the Center Area is home to the Rocket Launcher.

    The highest point on the map is where you can find the Needler, which you can use to blast downwards towards your opponents. Because of the elevation, the Needler spawn has a great advantage towards opponents below.

    Construction of the map was started a few months ago, sometime in February, and it has not gone through many changes since it was completed in that month. It took about 8 hours to complete and game testing was spanned over several games of Slayer, Team Slayer, Oddball, and KOTH. Slayer and KOTH is preferred, but the other gametypes will also work.

    The idea for the map was centered around the idea of a small map, but gave players a sense of freedom due to the openness of the map. The aesthetics are not the focal point of the map, although pleasing, aesthetics are usually secondary when it comes to Competitive maps.


    BR X2
    Brute Shot X1
    Mauler X1
    Needler X1
    Plasma Rifle X1
    Rocket Launcher X1
    SMG X2
    Energy Sword X1


    Fire Bomb Grenades X2
    Plasma Grenades X2
    Spike Grenades X4
    Active Camo X1

    Thanks to everyone that has helped and supported me throughout my Forging Career

    #1 ONEARM, Apr 25, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2010
  2. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Seems like there's a lot of powerful equipment and weapons for a map with 3 rooms. Nonetheless the forging looks great and I like the idea of having the needler at an elevated location. Any chance you can post an overview so we can get a general sense of the map shape?
  3. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    You missed the energy sword in the weapon list. You might consider adding fragmentation grenades because they can bounce around corners and the two you spawn with are used up quickly. You could also add more close quarters weapons like spikers and smg's. Merging the lights fully into the walls so only the glow is seen might give a nice touch to your map. Nothing wrong with the map here just a few areas for possible improvement.
  4. Ak Tulio 907

    Ak Tulio 907 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map looks pretty clean and the structures give it a good feel. I would give an overhead view though i cant really see the layout. BTW the camo doesnt need the weapon holder just delete it and it will float. : )
  5. RiioT

    RiioT Ancient
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    RiioT's Official Map Reviewing Service

    Heres what I think of your map:
    The center area is not so neat but its alright. The needler spawn is good because thats one of the focus points of the map. But it seems that you have way over populated the area with weapons. And you put four power weapons close to each other. The mauler and needler need to be separated farther from each other, the sword and rocket need to be on complete opposite sides, and the sword is right across from the mauler. It's just way to over whelming. Moving on to the sword room, its way to bumpy and it looks like you just threw it together. Its rough and sloppy. And trust me, nobody likes rough and sloppy, believe me. Now onto the blue room. Its also very sloppy, looks like rushed work. And yet again, to overwhelming with things. The bruteshot is right above the invis. And like I said before, it needs to be separated. Now to hallways leading to the blue room, are yet again way to overwhelming and need to not have a firebomb grenade in each of them. And the map doesn't need a firebomb grenade. And the map it self, It's just to little.

    - The map is ok
    - Good work on the needler spawn
    - Nice light placements
    - Neat in some places

    - To many weapons
    - Weapons are to compacted
    - Not even, not enough room to spawn
    - Not looking like to much effort went into it
    - Not strait, smooth
    - Just not a quite so good map overall.

    Overall Rating:

    Thank You note:
    Well ONEARM ASSASSIN, Thanks for letting me review your map, I thought it was ok. And I hope to see more improvement from you.

  6. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I actually like this.
    A few more spots could of been fixed, but who cares?
    It's fun right? : )
    The first picture caught my attention first off.
    Pretty creative idea on the arch's.
    One of my weakness's is starting off a base.
    You did it pretty well though, great job.
  7. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Ancient

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    the maps okay, in my opinion. wouldn't call it epic or anything...i say this because i don't see anything unique or jaw-dropping as far as aesthetics go and to me aesthetics is what makes a map GOOD. the only thing that really stood out to me was the invis.

    overall it looks a little small, but with the high ceiling there shouldn't be too many grenade farrays reminiscent of snowbound.

    the archs are nice too, i guess, but again, there's nothing really going on aesthetically.

    i say, add some more aesthetic structures to put a creative edge on it, and flesh out the could interlock walls into them to give them a sort of cool dimensional look. okay that probably made no sense lol, but ya. do that so it doesn't look "box-like", cuz to me the rooms like too square, and it sorta hurts my eyes haha

    good job anyway...

    #7 Kill 4 Silence, Apr 27, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2010

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