So I have A LOT of fun messing around on Ghost Town, and I've been trying to come up with more mind blowing screenshots...I deleted a couple of them, though because they didn't seem all that epic, but after reviewing them in my recent screenshots gallery, I noticed they all don't look too here they are! And...what do you think? Bungie Favorites-Worthy?
I would've toned down the Recon, and your title was a little pretentious. But these images are very, very, good. But no, they are not worthy of Bungie Favorites. Bungie Favorites only has sucky pictures.
ya i suppose i do use recon too much cuz this kid even said, dude wtf his fileshare is full of recon, so ya haha. i agree too, every screenshot found on bungie favorites these days truly suck. no joke. im sick of seing terrible crap and then you have to wait an entire month hoping bungie picks a screenshot that's actually good or even better, picks YOUR screenshot
I don't like these very much, they all focus way too much on the spartan, don't have a theme, and are annoyingly bright. I can't seem to find a very good color balance either.
They're alright, but the posing is kinda off in some of them and I hate the spartan laser as a pose weapon. The 2nd to last one is my favorite.