Slayer Maze This is a maze for slayer that I have made. I would'nt say its huge but, it is a little over a medium size maze. There is many: dead ends, hallways, weapons, equipment, tight corners, and grenades. Download Here: Here are the pictures(sorry that you cant really tell what it is, its just because its a maze with too many tight corner and turns. Here is the overall picture of the map:
The pics show nothing of your map. You said that you couldnt show, but how bout a large overview. All I can tell is that it looks like 2 open double boxes a few walls and a bubble sheild.
Yeah this really doesn't show anything. How is a few pictures of a couple double boxes near a wall and a bubble shield supposed to convince people to download this map. Also you may want to work on the description, possibly even a weapon/equipment list? Anything extra would be a vast improvement.
Add the photos, you know you can delete stuff, DO NOT SAVE CHANGES, end the game, start a movie, and get those tricky shots without destroying your map.
okay im going to put a picture of the entire maze. i just wasnt sure how i should have took pictures of a maze.