Greetings good sirs and madames. I have come to an impasse at to what I should create. While we all know that Reach will be here in a couple of months, not all of us know that I have become quite apathetic in my forging lately because of that very reason. Here is the ultimatum- a couple of friends have convinced me to make one final map on Halo;3 for old time's sake and I have two good ideas. One is a giant Skyscraper in the bottom of Sandbox that I have already created the designs for and it will be extremely sexy. The latter is a legitimate cruise liner on Longshore that will be quite large and the first actual ship on Longshore. So- I give you the Ultimatum- which do you want more? An extremely awesome Skyscraper that will be the first Skyscraper of an extremely awesome Cruise Liner that will be the frist of it's kind?
while they are both amazing ideas id have to vote for the skyscraper simply because sandbox has more resources to build with and thus would lead to a more sexy map imo
A skyscraper (at minimum, 3 blocks across) leading to the very top of Sandbox complete with rails, aesthetics, and a Hornet at the top that you could get into and try and kill the people inside the building racing to the hornet (No longer there, of course, you took it!) and people at the bottom with snipers trying to get some easy kills? And perhaps even a random weapon box halfway up or at the bottom to give people a better chance of killing the people shooting down at them?
Skyscraper would be awesome. Its what you do best + you already have plans. It would be a super bonus if the mansion could have a fireplace like the one out of Warm Chalet. Good luck on whatever you end up doing though
Make the skyscraper an aesthetic piece. Don't ruin it by trying to combine gameplay and aesthetics. If you do combine them, you'll end up lacking in one or the other.
Uhm, A skyscraper has already been done before. A cruise liner on Longshore is entirely new and original. Im ****ing disappointed that nobody has even considered building one up until now.
Id say the cruise liner because it will fit the scenery really well and it seems more doable as well.
Do a skyscraper with a zombie variant, your sandheart manor zombies was epic so this could be truly awesome.
A cruise liner would be the perfect thing to do before reach. It would show that even on the eve of the release of reach people can still make original aesthetic peices. A skyscraper would be nice but it's nothing that any other skilled aesthetic forger could do and a cruise liner would be a good test of your talents. So yeah I voted cruise liner
^ I like that statement. Even though the Skyscraper hasnt been done too much, the Cruise Ship has never been done. Think of the Cruise Ship as a badass club house on the ocean. But anybody can create a Skyscraper easily. I could build one within two hours. Now fuzzywig is always willing to take time to build his aesthetically appealing maps and a skyscraper just would seem too dull and not have any shape to it. Just stack block after block, lay down ramps and walls and your done. A ship takes more precision and skill which not many people have. Fuzzy has this talent. And Sandbox has been forged on way way too much. Too see a change of things would be good and not many aesthetic maps were attempted on Longshore either. Only a few have been made and out of those, the majority of them arent that great. So please vote for the ship. If its going to be his last map, make it original.
I dont simply place down blocks, I make artwork. The skyscraper is much more different looking than all of you think it will look like.
Oh please let it be the cruise liner, your just such a brilliant forger i think that it will be a true master piece, despite the notable disadvantage of being on longshore. Or you could create a liner in the skybubble of sandbox having the barrier server as water. But whatever you do it's sure to be brilliant XD
I've tried smaller boats, but the barrier on longshore meant that, in order to make the boat accessible, it had to be docked, rather than out to sea, which didn't look great. I'd love to see somebody make a large-scale cruise ship on longshore, but I think it'd be a VERY difficult task to undertake.
I don't think that the skyscraper would be just blcoks placed down and i know that if you make it it will look beautiful but a cruise liner on longshore would most likely be the ultimate test of you're forging talents and a milestone in the forging comunity as the first aesthetically pleasing ship on longshore.
Indigo's got it right. And what exactly does matty mean? It sounds like a sex joke and he doesnt even have a name for it yet.