Authors: Blueberry Angel, Master Debater Map Name: 12 AM Boredom Map Canvas: Sandbox Map Size: Small Player Count: As Many As Wanted Supported Gametypes: Slayer __________________________________________________ Description: Heres a map that Master Debater and myself made...well mostly me..he just sat there and ate his popcorn while I did all of the work.....yea..its called 12 AM Boredom..cuz what else are you supposed to do at 12 am...not sleep... OMG THERES NO MERGING!! AHAHAHAAHAHHAHAAHAAH OMGG!!!!! Too Bad..I'm not wasting time merging a race track that doesnt need to be dont likee it..then go fall off the sky bubble =) Heres a video of the map Heres a pix Here is the map : Halo 3 File Details Here is the gameplay thing : Halo 3 File Details
Doesn't look the best, lol looks like you made it at 12 AM lol. I dont think this is something really worth posting. ooooooh harsh. i am going to download and try though. if i was wrong about anything i said then i will edit this post and say how great it was. PS: your video doesn't work
I made it at 12 AM...we were bored and I put it up cuz we had nothing 2 do..and no **** the map was made at 12 AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the video works for me and my friends....
why did you put a map on that you think looks ****. if you are bored put one up that you are at least proud of
Why do you care? Regardless, we did make this at 12 in the morning, and she felt like posting the map because we both know that EVERY FORGER has a moment where they make a half fast map late at night and this map recognizes that.
1. ithought there was no swearing on forgehub 2. if you dont like the map LEAVE IT ALONE 3. its called theres nothing 2 do andeveryone on forgehub are nice people and they only cackle and laugh about how the map isnt just how they want it 4. you all can go lick yourselves 5. if you nice people would help people forge instead of scaring them away sayin their map is a piece of ****....then people might start to like you lovely darlings
As much as I am for mess around maps and maps made around all hours of the night. If the map doesn't look good or have a really good purpose the response here is going to be sub-par. Now, if we take a look at the map thread we can see almost no positive responses and majority of what I see is all bickering. Seriously, if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all. In addition, if you're going to post a map that didn't take very much work and you just made it and posted it on the map forums for kicks. Then, don't be so gun ho to jump down other peoples throats when they say they don't like it. I am really at a loss for words here. In summary, please behave, respect your fellow members, and I don't want to see this type of behavior again. For those of you who have broken the rules the appropriate actions will be taken. Nothing good has come of this thread for which it will be closed until I deem necessary.