You know that you have to upload your picture, right? A description where it is located on your harddrive wont get us very far. And in the end you'll have this: By the way I really like it, surprised me, I thought I would have to look at another miserable attempt at Forging a Statue.
so beautiful. It sucks that you missed the Wonders of the World forging contest because I would have voted for this!
That's possibly the best statue I've ever seen.. maybe even better than jakob hunter's Colossus of Rhodes.
Dude. You should zoom in on it more and do it to the bottom is the bottom of the picture and then take the pic in non forge so theres no grid. Also, enter this in Screenshot of the week. The theme is Forge Art. Just post the embed one in the submission (15) thread
agreed yea u seriously should you have 100% chance of winning with that,because everything else posted is just horrible(no offence to anyone in the competition(also mines horrible too ))
I do not speak English very well, but I thought I understood what you wanted I remove the grid, but if I remove the problem is that in this case we see the sand hills below. --- I also understand that he thought there was a competition and I wish someone could tell me more, especially on how to register. Thank you
all you have to do is post your picture to this link
I would move the camera up closer. The statue is amazing, but it's very far away. By the way, if you're French, why make the Statue of Liberty? You were great at making it.
What a fail, the French made the statue.. Great job! I am impressed. It looks amazing. Just have the screen shot a bit closer. It seems too far away. Great work. 5/5
Very nice! When you showed me this, I didn't realize you made it. As they said, it would be better if you could zoom in on it for the picture, but I like the grid, as it looks like water. Maybe you could go down to the grid level, so it just looks like a line of water, then look up at the statue from there? I'm just thinking out loud here... Great job, though. I'm impressed.
The problem if I take the picture even closer to the grid is we will not see the star-shaped platform on which the statue rests.(It has a small statue of liberty in Paris.) --- And I took the statue away because I thought it gave him more greatness.
Well, of course. But I would still consider it famously American. I mean, we wouldn't make an image of a present from America would we?
Are someone could give me links to a forum on to post forging "the statue of liberty"? Thank you all