This. Anyway, I got handed a shitton of work for school the past few days and am currently finishing my essay due in a few hours. After that class I'll finish the story I had thought up and I'll post it here by the end of the night.
If you've read day of the triffids by john wyndham (is that how you spell it?) I would love to see a sequel to that in a whole new writing style.
Do a story or poem of a monitor making a map through a first-person viewpoint, not of the forger but the actual 343 Guilty Spark's perspective as he is being controlled by a person making a map.
Okay, I got caught watching a movie and thought I could write whilst I was watching it, but the film was far too engrossing for such endeavors. So rather than procrastinate further, I'll post the rewritten intro and just continue to update this as I go along so that there is some accountability against my habits. So here we go. warning: the story may change altogether as I go along, so what you see written isn't necessarily what will be in the final product, more likely than not it will be though. Spoiler Will finish up the doctor's downfall when I get to school tomorrow. Will also start the next guy's set in this story. All content contained within this post is the property of Essias Loberg.
I can't really give any criticism to the story at it's core, or go through it and pick out any grammatical errors (though I'm sure there are none). But I can say I love your writing style, it truly makes me jealous sometimes.
Essias? Did you name yourself that, or is your name given to you from your mom? I would say sounds Jewish, but maybe Greek? Anyhow, interesting introduction. The first couple paragraphs sounded third person like Tale of Two cities.
Thanks guys. Essias is my first name, Greek for Isaiah apparently, chosen from some baby book my mother hasn't seen since. As for the introduction, I've wanted to write something along the lines of A Tale of Two Cities ever since I watched the episode of Wishbone about it. lol. As for the story itself, I'm starting my writing session right now. I just figured out how I'm going to tie all the characters together and figured out who the fourth "Lord" is. Going to be epic if I can pull it off as I envision it.
Wishbone? Haha. I remember that. They massacred just to have episodes. The Odyssey imitation was my favorite. So I take it these stories are going to be short? Since there is a lot of requests you have.
Most will be rather short, as that's normally how I write, but some may be long if the plot requires it. This one was a story idea I had a very very basic summary for ages ago but didn't write because I wasn't sure how long it was going to be. There's still a ton more I have to write for it. I can see the parallel, and that was largely what I intended to do (thematically, not necessarily with BoE). However, the story is about the downfall of men, both specifically with the Four Lords and also with the largely anarchic nature of men in general. The doctor is only a good guy to a certain point, which will be evident in the next few paragraphs. EDIT: I had planned on submitting this to a Scifi magazine to make money off of it, but halfway through I grew tired of the direction and sought to remake it. So I'll do that eventually, probably not the beginning, but definitely the origins of characters I devised.