Personally, I prefer maps made on foundry to maps made on the new legendary content.I expect it to take more than a few days to make a great map on the new maps. This map looks like a great little battlefield to destroy your friends in. And the teleporters just look amazing, awesome aesthetic feature. I'll check it out.
Hmmm. I've had a look and it's constructed perfectly, the weapons all look good, the scenery and aesthetics are great. It just doesn't jump out at me as an amazing map though like Longest yard did. I think maybe these small uber-neat competitive maps are getting too repetitive and stale to me. It's very cramped but it is a really nice map, I should love it but its not really happening. Maybe its just me. Great job anyway, your stuff is definitely feature quality.
I did a quick forge through last night and was very impressed. Everything is nice and tidy... the map runs smoothly, and seemed to have a pretty good flow to it. I like the aesthetic touches you added with the teleporters as well as the barrels and small scenery behind the upper fence walls. Well done.
Thanks for all the positive feedback Rusty Eagle and DTL - I totally agree that people (n00bs) are just gonna be pumping out new maps on the new DLC just to say they have or to get one of the first ones out. Its a bit lame, i have to say, but i know that the really good forgers here (not naming names) are gonna be taking their time ... so i have hope. Mallet - Hahaha, i know what you mean ... theres been a massive influx of those types of map since the 1v1 tourney, i guess its just the 'in thing' right now. Still its hard to get them to play and look good, so i guess the only way to tell them apart properly is to play them. And i know what you mean about it just 'not doing it' for you ... i feel quite the same ... its taken more than 3 weeks to make simply because i just kept losing heart in the whole thing ... Thanks for looking though and as for having feature-quality maps; i'm flattered Lightsout - Thanks for having a look round too, i know 'everyone' says it, but i did actually put thought into the fact that it was gonna be so small, so it needed some 'special' features to help keep it flowing, as well as looking, good. Cheers for the input people
I like how advanced this map is. Stellar interlocking and teleporter art. I'll try it out. But it is unfortunate that you can escape the map. But other than that, I'd say it looks perfect.
lolz u really wanted to highlight the flower/sun looking thingy didn't u? not a prob, its been done before is all... also, the equipment layout seems a little close, if one team could lockdown that area, then the other shall be screwed... as for the i-lockin looks smoooooth as a babies bottom u got a 3.5/5 from me, and i guess that'll have to round up to a 4/5 on this rating system ^-^
i like the wall structure, and the rest of the map looks pretty tight also i'm gonna download and i'll get back once i play it