Why Is COD So Popular?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rhys Belding, Apr 22, 2010.

  1. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Why do you say that in every other thread?

    We have hard evidence for our opinions when hate for halo usually is about opinions. Cannot deny the fact that CoD is milked, rushed, and glitched to hell.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    kills = gratification
    easy kills = easy gratification
    easy/quick gratification = ADD kids flocking to it
  3. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    This ^ most people on this site are going to be biased towards halo since this a halo site.

    anyway, why are people so focused on the competative side of games. Games are meant to be fun and if you enjoy killing things on a game then surely a game that alows you to get easy kills is a good game,and for those that like to practice and get good at a game then one that allows this is also a good game, a game being good is all a matter of personal opinion there is no facts. Obviously a large percentage of gamers preffer an easier game and cod caters to this which makes it a good game. it doesn't matter if you like it or dislike it because it is a game created for a more laid back style of gaming and saying it is a bad game because it doesn't require skill is wrong. I know that is off topic from the OP but its on topic with the rest of the thread.
  4. LD

    LD Ancient
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    Rhys just tried to find an answer to why it is suach a popular game, because hin his eyes it's not even good. We made it the typical 'Halo vs. CoD' Discussion.
    Plus, this is Gaming Disscusion right here, not Halo Discussion, so think Topics about other Games have a right to be here.

    And you delivered the best answer in this Thread so far ^^
  5. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    I don't mean other games don't have a right to be discussed but its just that this is a halo website and as such most people will be naturally biased towards halo. which is why people are being negative about cod.
  6. Rhys Belding

    Rhys Belding Forerunner

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    Thank you for all the feedback, but I really don't want this Halo vs CoD to continue. But now I think I know why CoD is so popular. Though I do still believe It does not require much skill. Thoguh as someone says it does require tactics. Though even if you dont use tactics you can skill get kills and still getting XP. That is one thing I don't like about CoD but it attracts people to buy it because they will think they are good ect. I also agree about the little kids also. There really annoying. I added my friend that I met on a Online Game that I don't play anymore. Because of me adding him his 7 year old brother added me and he is so high pitched I started to get a head ache. But what is worse is that he also has a 4 year old sister and she uses his account...all I hear is Rayse Rayse (Trying to say me name) and I keep saying what but she does not hear me...and I'm nearly shouting. Thats one bad thing about XBL too. xD
  7. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Forerunner

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    COD sucks. flatout. halo has wayyyyy better weapons, the gameplays funner, and it's alot easier to evade death. well, unless you're up against a 50 haha

    Senior Member

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    Why are we even using Halo as a base for games? Yes, Halo is a great game but really? What do they have in common besides both is a First person shooter? Halo was set in what?... 2552? Modern Warfare 2 is set in *Drumroll* modern day combat with real world weapons. (Besides maybe the duel weildable shotgun and the fact you can get a win the entire game by running around and sniping people with duel shotguns in hand.)

    The only reason I still keep Modern Warfare 2 is for when I new glitch is found I can exploit a little bit more for fun or just to play the campaign since I just love the campaign in the game. Instead of using Halo as the base game how about we use, say... Battlefield: Bad Company 2? Not the best game in the world to compare but at least it's still set within the same time frame.

    In my opinion: BFBC2 < CoD:MW2
  9. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    I should post a link here in the COD forums. I would love to see what clashes, if the mods wouldn't lock it.

    Anyhow, you guys have got it all wrong. Well, some people are right, but your average player doesn't play a game because it takes skill, or because it's easy to get kills, but because it's a new game, and it's different from what they've been playing. They tire of the games they've been playing because the same thing over and over eventually gets boring. Plus the influence of their friends playing the other game will win them over occasionally.

    Take yourselves for example. Why do you play the game you play? You say it takes skill, but are you sure that's just what you say so you don't look stupid for having a bad k/d in the other game? You're playing the game because you're better at that then the other game. It's fun because you win more often, and you don't have to be discouraged by the fact you lost.

    I've switched from play CoD, to Halo 3, to Gears of War. All of them I like, and all of them are popular. However, back in the day before people started play CoD MW2, Halo 3 was the most played game for two years straight. As time went by, though, People started to lose interest after they

    A. Reached their 50 several times
    B. Got tired of playing the game
    C. Got bored of trying to get their 50

    And CoD won't be the most popular game for long. When Halo Reach comes out, and Gears of War 3 comes out, a lot of people will quit playing that, and join the other games. It's new, it's different, and it's fun. (You can still blow people up too) Then people will be complaining; "Why is everyone playing Galo Reach?"
    #29 Frag Man, Apr 23, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2010
  10. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
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    I think Halo is much better because you always have a chance in a fight. In COD its half a second and youre dead which is not good when you are caught offguard. In halo the fight runs from 3-6 seconds which means if you are caught offguard then you still have a chance to make up that one shot your opponent shot at you when you were unprepared. This stands that halo 3 takes more skill than COD. Also I hate how when you level up you get better guns than lower level players. That seems unfair to me. The only way cod tests skill is who has the quickest finger and who is the sneakiest.
  11. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Thank you, someone who knows what their talking about, and i only say that its biased in the Halo vs CoD threads so you might want to read around.

    Just because you find it too easy, or because you suck at it does not mean the game itself is bad.
    For those who are good gamers, but cant cope with the fact that it doesn't say 'halo' on the game box then im sorry for you. Not every thread has to turn into a "0mg hal0 is teh b3st, all othr games sux"

    For those of you backing up your claims i can see where you are coming from. This post is set out for the members who are dissing CoD, but cant explain themselves.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Halo and CoD can easily be compared
  13. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    They only get compared because they are the 360's most popular shooters. If one of either wasn't, it would probably never would be compared.
  14. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    Exactly. It's the same with Battlefield and COD - people assume they are similar (which they're not) and they compare the games.

    Anyway, COD is popular because a lot of people think it's 'realistic' (which it's not) and because of all the challenges, killstreak rewards and easy kills to make people feel like they're awesome at the game.

    That said, it's still a fun game.
  15. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    CoD: Black Ops anybody?
  16. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    I might buy or rent it only because my interest in Vietnam has spiked recently because it's in my history finals and bin talking to my dad's friend about it. Said it was a relentless cycle.
  17. Bomb Champion

    Bomb Champion Ancient
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    Why are people saying all CoD's were bad though? 1 and 2 were great for their time, 3 sucked, 4 was great, WaW was good until the MP40 caught on and they didn't nerf it, and MW2 is really fun, imho, when you don't encounter the bullshit that is campers, noob-tubers, and spawn killers. But yes, a big part of it is the instant rewards, as opposed to Halo where I can do well for a couple games and MAYBE go up in level (Halo 3, won't talk about Reach until I play it). I really have faith in Treyarch for CoD:Black Ops this year, and I'm also really pumped for Reach. Don't know which I'll play more.
  18. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    To end all argument which may be happening:
    Everyone likes different things and its best if you keep your own opinions to yourself. This will avoid any flame wars and arguments over something stupid like this thread.

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