Does anyone here play/has played Yuri's Revenge or Red Alert 2 or any other Command and Conquer game?
i wish i did, but no computer can play it anymore, its like a virus or something it just breaks everything and itself when i try to play it. parabruting was lol
****ing loved Red Alert 2. Those Soviet Dogs were the best I'd just make huge armies with only Soviet dogs and the little spider drone things that attacked vehicles. It worked so well.
I was clearing out some old stuff in my room the other day and came across this, bringing back some nostalgia for this classic series of games. I always preferred the older soviet vs allies red alert games but the format still workds great. I'm throwing my copy out soon but if anyone drops round they're welcome to it..
i recently got out of playing it, because my online never did work out, it always had some error or another =(. I may need to get back into it though, campaign was really fun, especially the soviet half.
I used to be a pretty high ranked player back in the day. My strategy always involved Rocketeers. I loved those guys.
paradrop in as many initiates as you can with the airfield while training them too combine that with the cloning facility and put them all in one area and then mutate them.
Oh, I fought a guy wuo did that and he put them all through the grinder, ust have made a bundle because he built a huge army
Man, i was wondering if anyone still played this game. A group of friends and i still play YR religiously but we have yet to find anyone else. Most people have shifted over to RA3, but honestly, i'm just not a big fan of the new game. i beat it shortly after the game was released, and immediately pulled YR back out.
I never played YR but I played RA2 a ton, loved that game for so long. Mix Prism Tanks with Mirage Tanks and you had yourself a near unstoppable force.
My personal favorite combo was apoc tanks with the iraq desolators. the tanks took care of any buildings and air units and the desos wiped out any infantry. what i loved is that if you deployed the desos (which with enough of them would create a radiation field large enough to cover an entire base) it would just disintegrate men and blow up tanks (particulary prism because they have such little health), and the apoc tanks were strong enough to continue to to stay on the battlefield and annihilate the base. the only problem with mirage tanks and prisms was if you were facing rocketeers or the soviet siege copter. they were defenseless from above. :[
True dat, I generally had a reasonable air force to defend against such things, Rocketeers were great because they were cheap, quite fast and very effective. They were also the single best way to defend against Kirovs if you ask me. What countries did y'all play as? I started out with the Brits cause Snipers were cool, then went with the Koreans since the upgraded planes were nice, but ended up settling on the French simply because the Grand Canon was the best base defence by far and a strong base was essential for the way I played.
honestly, i started out with GB too because i thought snipers were legit. i'd stick them in an ifv and let them tear away at the enemy. then i shifted to korea but eventually i came to the opinion the black eagle jets were a little cheap tactic-wise (and too expensive money wise), fell in love with france because of the GC, got crazy good with Yuri (but who didn't?) and finally settled with Iraq. they are my personal favorite.
Hell yeah, love that game. Yuri was a bit overpowered, I always liked to play a 1v7 Brutal game with Super Weapons on. I used the tactic with Yuri where I bought a bunch of regular infantry, then cloned them to that "Hulk" thing, then I grinded them for money. But the Boomers [Submarines] were my favorite, they had amazing damage and destroyed all the Super Weapons. The Allied had the Prism Tanks, did I say Boomers were my favorite? Well, I mean't to say the Prism Tanks are my favorite. Get a bunch of these guys and you'll be dominating against any team, even against Apocalypse Tanks from the Russians. Ah, good times. Oh, also, the Allied [United States] had something others didn't have, Paratroopers. I called them in every time they were ready, then put them in "Sandbag" position. Alos, it helps to get another Airfield so you can call in two groups.
man. i HATED the boomers. (unless of course i had them. hahaha). they were ridiculously overpowered! they were like the soviet dreadnoughts or allied aircraft carriers on CRACK. the fact that they could wreck that much devastation AND be submarines was ridiculous. not to mention they got the boomers as soon as they made the naval base while soviets and allies had to make a battle lab before they got the dreadnought or aircraft carrier. but yeah. 1v7 brutals became pretty much second nature to me after awhile. that's why i had to convince my friends to start playing with me. no computer thinks like a human. :] do you guys still play now or have you left the game to collect dust?
Well, I play once in a while, when I'm not occupied with school or something else. But this is when I get bored of my games. 1v7 Brutal was well, Brutal. I barely win those games, they last forever. Especially with Super Weapons.
yeah, i was never a big fan of supers with multiple enemies, simply because you can adequately defend two, maybe three super weapons, but SEVEN? there's nothing left afterwards! haha. i enjoy games focused more so on tactical gameplay using only units, not supers. if you guys ever wanna play my friends and i we're on hamachi. the network name is: "hold on sweet talkin woman" (without the quotations) and the password is: "CROTCH" don't ask why. my friend shaun made the network and i'm pretty sure he was drunk at the time. hahaha.