Hi There, I never really got into forging during the huge era of forging in halo 3. I joined the communities (XF, FH) and just kind of posted and went on my merrily little way. Now that I'm starting to get back into Halo 3, I figured this is my last shot to pull something off and start a "streak" so to speak of maps for when Reach arrives and beyond. I really am quite the creative person and know the techniques but for some reason I lack the ideas, inspiration, and sort of the creativity. I want to take advantage of the forge tool and use it to it's fullest, but can't seem to. I'm really looking to get into either graphic design or game development/design (maybe both ) and this could really help me out getting started. So what I've to come to ask is, any tips on how I could go about this? Sorry if this is too broad of a question or topic. Thanks, HomieG54
Sort of. If I get an idea that can work, I can probably build the map. But I can't get the ideas and/or inspiration. I've never gotten a good enough idea to build so I couldn't really tell you if I could build it.
For inspiration i sometimes look towards other games such as Quake or Shadowrun. Quite a lot of maps just come from a random idea.