I've decided that if I can get a job over the sumemr i should have enough money for legendary edition. Its £100 here but I've been promised up to £40-£50 from a few people for the statue (don't ask me why they want to pay that much I don't know know, maybe they want 2). So hopefully I can sell someone it. If I can sell the statue for enough it will actually be cheaper for me to by the legendary edition than normal edition.
Went to work/GameStop today to pre-order my Halo Reach Legendary Edition. I know it's a lot of money but I've decided that the realease date is far enough away that I can just stop in every 2 weeks to pay some more of it off. Like today I decided I would pay off $30 dollars and with that plan the price isn't so steep for me when it's time for Reach. /Off topic... While I was there I also decided I wanted to pre-order StarCraft II since I knew we was giving away beta codes and decided it was worth it since I knew the chances of me really getting in the beta by Blizzard choosing me was next to none at all. Heh... Yes, I did go the cheap route and pre-order a game basically just for the beta code. lol... The beta is quite fun ;D Though, I am a complete noob at it, it's still a lot of fun.
I can already hear the tiny voices in my head of little kids (or adults who act like ones) fawning over the people who have flaming helmets. It will be great to see someone trying to hide while a little flame gives away their position.
I wish that the legendary edition included both the special elite armor and the flaming helmet. Unless there's something I'm missing.
It does, http://kotaku.com/5521941/halo-reach-legendary-edition-lives-up-to-its-label/gallery/, forth paragraph down from the top of the article.
My advice, if there is even a chance you might end up getting the Legendary, pre-order the Legendary. You can always demote the edition you want to get, but eventually they will sell out of Legendary editions. Besides, at the launch there will be someone who wanted a Legendary, but was too late, and would buy it off of you.
My older sis says that she'll get it for me! So is one of my XBL friends. I actually feel sorry for the people who won't be able to get thier Legendary Edition. Oh well. At least I get the flaming helmet.