for many years people going to jail were just sent to the mid of nowhere. but after years of trying the 1000s of prisners were about to find a way back to the citys! the SWAT had to stop them because if thay got back thay could take over citys maby even the world because theres so many of them so the SWAT sent in the BIG guns! Forged in the flames of hell this death machine will exterminat anything and everything that gets in its way! in this case the prisners! this is a infection map i made where the zombes r the prisners and have to try kill The Exterminator from the inside! the people spawn on The Exterminator as the SWAT team sent in with The Exterminator and have to use its power to save the world or die trying!!! anyway heres some pics (without effects) and more info about the map! zombe start 3 mins later... zombes get a few guns over 3 mins! yes thay can use guns there prisners lol 3 port points after u spawn as a zombe u get a port to 1 of these huts it could b any! cover ftw! use cove to make your way to the exterminator or die! some of the cover has some weak guns near it like BR look from far away the way in is his feet! hidden weps behind his feet! inside him next stop his head! his head his head from the inside his hand and the way in! NOW WITH EFFECTS! link to map: game type: must use game type to play map! made by turkey bag56 (me) please tell me what u think! edit: edited gametype so its alot funer to play
So you made 3 maps in two days? well that definately doesnt prove your maps quality. Also if you do get banned its because you dont take tim e to properly review maps, you just say stuff "like good map im'a dl", which is conisdered spam. The map looks quite bad from the pics but the robot thingy looks cool. i wouldnt give the zombie an armoury tho and i would have spread out the guns rather than 'hiding' them by the feet. I wouldn't call the BR a weak gun either, just because it isn't a power wepon like the sniper or rocket launcher doen't mean it sucks, it can take out an enemy in 4 bursts to the head, which makes it super versitile. as for your post, aside from the lack of proper grammar it looks very nice. in the end i would rate it 3/5 but i think i speak on behalf of everyone when i say that random objects are to cluttery and we have enough giant robot thingies.
sorry but this map hasnt had a lot of thought put into it, i like the giant, monster, but running round for cover is really boring and the game gets dull in about 2 minutes, there is also nothing stopping the exterminator just camping the top tunnel. and your lack of grammar is also a downside of your post.
Dude, it looks like you just took the idea from that gay movie "The Ant Bully" This definently isn't original and it looks like the gameplay would get old very quick. The forging isn't ideal and the weapons suck. Plus, what do the humans do? They run around mindlessly TRYING to find the zombies. Work on your maps a bit longer, like pinohkio said, 3 maps in 2 days? That proves you spent like no time making things neat. How about spending more time on one map okay?
The only cool thing is the robot, that's it. The rest is just a bunch of objects scattered around the map. Also armouries aren't the most popular thing on maps these days, especially for zombies. This isn't that very good of a map sorry. 2/5
lol i made 2 maps in more than 2 days after i made space warz i went on here and because its the hollerdays here i have nothing to do all day so i just make maps have been staying up to like 4am for 2days geting up at like 9am working on this also this is a v2 of my map on sandoff called roar which i made when heroic maps first came out i gave the zombes guns because i wanted to make a map where the people warnt super over powered and its just a map where the people have to try live as long as thay can every other zombe map i play the people can just 1 hit zombes and it makes it not fun for both the zombes and people zombes because there spawning and dieing in like 1 sec people because its way to easy for them v1 was just like this with cover and people really liked it. peope cant camp the top tunnel because the zombes have more health and theres only 1 close up gun with 1 round and even that couldnt kill a zombe with a shoot and a hit i gave them guns also because v1 the people were to hard to kill and with just a ES the zombes would b to easy to kill. also the BR is weak because everything has more health so it does way less damage its for hiting people on the turrits so when thay get off u or your team mates that there ameing at can go to the the next bit of cover BR is 1 of my farverit guns also i have never even seen The Ant Bully and because it has the word "ant" in it im guessing its a movie for 5 year olds and im sure that i movie for 5 year olds would have a SWAT team and a big robot killing everything....the best kids movie of the year gos to The ant bully! rated R18 see what im saying? and its a bit unfair geting baned when you have only been on for 2-3 days thay should give u a bit to get used to the site and is it really fair that i get like 2-3 points maby more from each "spam" post... well anyway im on 5 point things now so this will probly b my last post so later edit: the guns r spread out all over the map theres just a few weps for people in his feet for when people need ammo and also like 80% of maps on here r just 2 base maps in the skybox so i thought it was time for more giant robot thingies! PS theres no need to b jalous over my super awesome speed map makeing skillz
just makeing a point..... but really if someone makes a map and didnt spend 1 year makeing it that doesnt mean the maps gay..... some people can forge fast and good ive made over 400 maps on halo and like 200 on TSFP because ive been bored so im fast at makeing stuff now...
I would consider that taking a week on a map is a bit fast but acceptable to make a good map. But 3 maps in 2 days, dude its not how fast you can forge its how good the map turns out. Your saying we are all jealous of your "speed forging", but have you seen your map? It was a good idea but you took so less time on it it turned out bad. Also have you seen other peoples maps? They are neat and well organized. On to the map....... It was a good idea, but not well exicuted. Instead of making random crap cluttered, try to make trails or tunnels or even single cover places. Random crap=looks like you didnt try But the robot looked like it took the most time because you did a great job. It is well forged and it looks like you TOOK YOUR TIME on it. Just make the rest of the better and it will look and play great 6/10
thats what i made it for.... i didnt always have lots of junk everywhere, i had small houses and tunnels and stuff but my power ran out so it deleted all that most the robot was saved tho... i have about 10 1/2 made maps at a time and just make the 1 that i feel like makeing i had 2 maps about 90-98% complete so if i finish them both i may post them both at the same time or close to eachother.... i also have maps that i just cant b bothered posting till later so when i get really bored i could post like 3 maps in 1 day
...You...You seriously think he got this idea from "The Ant Bully"... You sir, hath failed. Besides, even if he took a movie and made it into a great map, that's still considered original. I mean the movie doesn't give you instructions on how to design the map, does it? Edit: Additional fail found -I actually just watched the movie today, and this is NOTHING like the movie. -Why in the world would the humans be running around looking for the zombie? -Turkey Bag didn't make 3 maps in two days, so get your facts straight before posting.
A little late on that. Just a tad. (you probably didn't read the date) Good god my spelling sucked a year ago. Looks like I was lazy too :/ Oh well. I'll leave my grammar so I can laugh at it. rofl "in the mid" what a f*cking loser! Seriously who the hell says mid? Oh year and other guys, I'm going to defy the rules of physics soon and post OVER 9000!!!! maps in 1 day! And that oh coarse means that I made them all on the same day as well :O In other words, you fail! Oh and a lot can happen in a year....
I hate to bust balls, but that really isn't an excuse. Please use proper grammar also, this is a forum. The map looks rushed, the gameplay seems boring and slow, and you put little time into the map itself. I'd recommend visiting the Forging 101 section, and understand the basic layout for a fun infection game that isn't boring for everyone. Try again, but this time, take your time, test it out, and edit it if anything isn't fun.
It wasn't an excuse. It was the reason why I "made 2 maps in 3 days" or whatever they said. I probably have over 100 maps I haven't posted. 1 day I'll get bored and post as many of them as I can and then people will say "SPEND MORE TIME ON YOUR MAPS YOU MADE OVER 9000!!!!! IN 1 DAY YOU NUB" My excuse is that I have had it with these mother f*cking snakes on this mother f*cking plane! No really, I make heaps of different maps (usually really messed up). They very from WTF to BY THE LIGHT! Doing this means when I go to make a serious map (not for experience) I have a large variety of maps to chose from that I no will be fun and I can improve on them. The best way to learn something is to do it yourself. I learnt everything about forge by myself and there's nothing I don't know! Just because a map isn't perfect doesn't mean you need to delete it. PS: Play a map before you judge it! Edit: The reason I spent "little time" (several days!) on this is because I don't want everything to be perfectly smooth. I save months of my life and only lose a little looks on my maps. Sounds worth it to me. If I was doing a really serious map I would smooth things out if needed but not to the point of extreme.