MLG Fantasy League anyone?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Firetag, Mar 17, 2010.


Would you like to see an mlg fantasy league?

  1. Yes

    13 vote(s)
  2. No

    4 vote(s)
  3. Not Sure

    0 vote(s)
  1. Firetag

    Firetag Ancient
    Senior Member

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    oh forgot to ask but is it ok if i post a link feel free to edit it out or w/e
    It's done go to mfantasylg | Home

    Use the beta code join-mflg-beta

    Also make sure you activate your account through your email.

    Social Networking Features:

    Activity Steams
    Friend Connections
    Private Messaging
    Groups (with lots of features including forums!)
    Extended Profiles
    MLG Fantasy ladder
    And much more!

    MLG Fantasy Features:

    one team per player
    high scores (as of right now only showing top 50)
    view others mlg fantasy team via their profile
    and prizes after the beta ends

    Points System:

    Kills = 1 point each
    Assists = 1 point each
    Deaths = -1 point each
    Caps = 2.5 points each
    Hill/Ball time
    1-25 sec.= 2 point(s)
    25-50sec.= 4 point(s)
    50-75sec.= 6 point(s)
    75-100sec.= 8 point(s)
    100-125sec.= 10 point(s)
    125-150sec.= 12 point(s)
    150-175sec.= 14 point(s)
    175-200sec.= 16 point(s)
    200-225sec.= 18 point(s)
    225-250sec.= 20 point(s)
    A cost is assigned to each mlg pro based off of their teams current seed after the official mlg roster lock date.

    Top 8[1-8] seeded players cost $1250
    Top 16[9-16] seeded players cost $750
    Top 32[17-32] seeded players cost $250
    #1 Firetag, Mar 17, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2010
  2. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'd definitely participate in it, I was thinking of my dream team the other day (decided on Walshy, Pistola, Heinz, Snip3down) and this would be a really great way of taking that principle in to something fun and practical. As you say though, there are a number of questions about how to do it:

    As for Pro's not going, the amount of top 16 players who don't go to every event is very minimal tbh, so I think it wouldn't be too much of an issue, and I agree that it'd be best just working as: no attendance, no points.

    Then there's the issue of how infrequent MLG events are in comparison to other sports. This is played off against the fact that every single event involves all teams and pros (well, pretty much anyway) instead of being team vs. team on a given day. From a site owner perspective, you'll probably find very little activity between events and peaked activity around them, pretty obvious I guess, but a big consideration would be ensuring that people remember and consistently come back when it's event time again. Possibly involving other things to occupy and interest users between events (and even more so in off seasons) would be a good move imo, and on that note:

    As you say, obviously it'd only be pros because mixing amateurs and pros would just end up as unreliable and flawed. But how would you feel about running a separate amateur system, so a user could form a pro dream team and an amateur one alongside it? This could help with the constant activity problem since you could bring the Combines in to the equation for amateurs. Because of their placement between pro events, this could potentially result in significantly more consistent activity and interest, as well as diversifying your user base in to those who care more about ams (and from the MLG forums I know that there are a decent number of these people).

    As for points, that would indeed be complex. I'd personally not like to see it done via kills/deaths alone, since then the best thing to do would just be to put the 4 best main slayers together on a team. That defeats the entire purpose of forming a dream team for me, and my lineup is based around trying to form a perfect team, something rarely reflected in k/d stats alone. I think you'd have to figure out a way to include things like assists, objective time, and even whether the player's team wins/loses matches since they're all important in determining how well a given player is playing.

    You could possibly try and develop a sort of class/role system, whereby players like Lunchbox would be assigned as a support or objective player, giving a higher point reward weighting for essentially performing his role in the team (so he would receive more points for assists, objective time than a main slayer like snip3down, since that's really what his job is). Obviously you wouldn't want to make it so strong that support players were punished for going off in a match, but it seems fair to look at each pro and work out what their role is, what they should be doing to help the team (and, to be fair, for main slayers this is much more geared towards simple k/d style stats) and emphasise that in points they're awarded. The downside is that this would be a system which was very complex, potentially hard to balance, and very demanding to maintain.

    It's a pretty big undertaking due to the big differences between this and mainstream sports in how they work, but if you could do it I'd certainly give it a go.
    #2 Pegasi, Mar 21, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2010
  3. Firetag

    Firetag Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow thank-you for the great reply! With bringing users back I don't think it would be too much of a problem because the site is built like a social network (already have that part done). It has the ability to add pictures, activity streams, groups... I am also working on a way to add forge maps to your profile (mostly done although the sql for adding the map url isn't working lol.. it won't compete with communities like this though because this is more based around a forge community and mine has features for everything [and in the future for other games] ). I am maybe going to add forums too (forums are already built into the groups if you activate it when you create your group). Actually I am not sure about a lot of features on the site I was even thinking about adding ladders to compete in (but that's even harder to integrate so probably not at launch)...

    As for the points that is a good idea for the style of playing, but if you ask most pros they'll say that you have to be very versatile and able to rotate between positions depending on the situation. I'm not too sure about grabbing the stats though....I have seen people with spreadsheets of the stats and if I can get a hold of these after each competition I could just automatically have it entered into the database as an xml spreadsheet (though I'm not too sure about that cuss I'm not that fluent with xml data handling...). I think that I'll make something called (true points) and you get so many true points for each kill, (negative for death?), and for objective points.

    Once I get a stable build of the site I'll put it online (password protected) and show it to you if you'd like.
    #3 Firetag, Mar 21, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2010
  4. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, it's actually a great idea. Don't forget, MLG isn't just halo. There's lots of PC leagues that go on etc.

    I think for the halo aspect of things, you could automate a system to grab data of the Bungie website. I also think Pegasi was right about the amateur idea, it would be great, except I think it should be your main feature. There's always game-battles going on and you could get MLG amateurs to sign up and report results back etc. I think because of the fact the MLG pros don't play as much as a system like this would need but amateurs do.
  5. Firetag

    Firetag Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh yeah I forgot to include AM in my post oops... Well the problem with AM is most don't go to all competitions.. They go to a few but not all.

    The reason being is pros get stipends (is this the right word?); stipends basically pay for there travel and hotel costs to insure they do attend mostly all competitions. Also I don't think the average people that watch MLG follow the league that much. I think most only follow top tier teams and pros (say top like 8 seeded teams) because to be honest I can't name more than 5 semi-pro teams and I play a lot of MLG (I'm even sponsored so that shows you most don't pay attention to semi-pro teams). Although I guess if enough people ask for it I could implement semi-pros too.

    Also Ben you gave me a good idea I could include peoples K/D into their profiles by just scraping data off Bnet (won't be at launch either cuss I'm lazy lol). For another random idea I was thinking of being able to allow users to maybe sell lessons (tell me what you think of this because it wouldn't be too too hard to implement).
  6. ElementNineteen

    ElementNineteen Ancient
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    I feel slightly embarrassed that my post isn't nearly as long as the others, and only a 100th of Pegasi's, but I want to shout out my approval of such an idea anyway.

    Sounds like a fun idea!

    It's one of my missions to bring MLG up to the level of NFL NBA and FIFA.. haha. But really.
  7. Firetag

    Firetag Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok guys almost done with the site... read the first post I updated it to let you know what's going down
  8. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This sounds pretty sweet actually. You'll need to do some advertising though. I bet MLG will like this :D
  9. Firetag

    Firetag Ancient
    Senior Member

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    For advertising I am going to rely on word of mouth...I think most people will tell their friends about it and hopefully just spread the word....The only thing I am worried about is using the mlg name or if ESPN or whoever already has the rights to do this kind of thing...but the worst that will happen is they'll give me a warning and tell me to take the site down..

    Can someone answer my main question though...What should the site be called?
  10. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Shall we talk on skype?
    Also, I wouldn't use the term MLG because it most likely is copyrighted. We said we were going to brainstorm some ideas on skype so if you want to do that now or sometime soon just let me know. Also, just so you know I do have exams coming up so if you need anything doing this week then let me know soon because after this week I will not be able to do anything till I think its the end of june :l
  11. Firetag

    Firetag Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Alright sites all done with the features that were planned... its mfantasylg | Home

    Use the beta code join-mflg-beta
    Also make sure you activate your account through your signup email.
  12. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This would be really interesting, I am down for it!

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