Paradigm Created by: Urban Myth Recommend Players: 2-8 Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer, King of the Hill, FFA Slayer Merriam-Webster defines a paradigm as (among other things) a philosophical and theoretical framework of a scientific school or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in support of them are formulated. That is exactly what this is not. This is a map. Why the hell would you even look that up? Anyway, on to the map. Paradigm, the map by Urban Myth that is, accomplishes something that so many others have failed at. It almost, sort of, kind of remakes Ivory Tower with the tools of Halo 3's Forge. So why is this being featured? Truthfully I don't know, I really wish people would start actually being creative rather than thieving designs from the Bungie greats. Oh well, since it is being featured I guess I might as well talk about how awesome it actually is. Paradigm is a breath of fresh air to Forge. While hitting many key points of what made Ivory Tower awesome, it makes some necessary and innovative changes that give the map that Halo 3 feel. The best thing about this map (aside from some awesome aesthetics) is the height differentials, which is something Halo 3 lacks, despite having no fall damage. All I have to say is congrats Urban Myth, I didn't mean to "poop" on you with this write up. Paradigm is more than just a remake, it's an awesome map. Oh and I found a different definition, maybe this one works. Paradigm: an outstandingly clear or typical example or archetype. Yeah that's right, that means "awesome map" (just take the compliment). Download Paradigm Original FH Thread If you have any thoughts on this article, or the front page in general, that you would like to share with us then we invite you to post your opinions in the Front Page Feedback thread.
I love this map, Ivory Tower is da bomb and I think this is even better... Congrats on Premium Urban!
Wow congrats Urban, totally deserved. Enjoy your new clothes, just don't forget me amidst your fame...
Urban are a premium now Sweet map, I never played Halo 2 but Ivory Tower is meant to be awesome, so I'm gonna dl and play it. Congrats again Urban.
Congats Urban, this is a very well deserved premium. This map is just fantastic, and it would be a shame not to see it up here. I'll see you in the hub pub!
Wow, I totally remember playing this map from back in the day! I loved it cuz ivory tower was bad ass. Awesome map and a well deserved feature
congrats urban but i have to say i actually didnt like this map. it might have been cause every game i played on it i got dominated
Congrats on the feature, this map captures the essence of Ivory Tower. The forge is phenomenal it looks great and plays well.
Great job Urban, It's well deserved. You should wash your clothes... they look a little brown and dirty.
Urban you sexy mother ****er Congratson everything! Feature, Premium, dang son your movin up in the halo world. Fun map dude, great remake/revisit and Im happy for you
I think I've already praised this thing to death, so I'll channel my inner Bruce Campbell and read from the Necronomicon to resurrect it from the nether and smite it back again with my affection....yeah. The problem with remakes is that most of the time people try to make Forge doppelgangers of the original versions. This, in most cases, fails horribly as those zealous endeavors are struck down by the evil Budget and the lothesome Item Limit. At which point things become a triage of missing areas and blocked pathways because things just weren't working out. Urban has shown the proper way to go about making the pseudo remake, plan the frak ahead. Know your source material. Know the limits of Forge. Make sure you know what can be ported over and what should be trimmed and altered. Urban once again proves that he is one of the best forgers around. Paradigm is easily one of the best custom maps ever realized. It's balanced, competitive, smooth, beautiful, and most importantly fun. To say it deserved a feature (anywhere for that matter) is an understatement. It was guaranteed from day one. Congrats again Urban, well done sir.
Go urban! Congrats on both acheivments dude, I already knew u was a badass forger but the new colors will show it well. U R the **** man ,need toilet paper,lol.
This map isn't NEARLY as good as Ivory Tower. It's BETTER. Grats of the feature on both FH and XF and also on becoming a premium. xD
Must say, i've never played the original ivory tower (from what i can remember because i played quite a bit of halo 2 on pc.. but servers tend to just have coagulation constantly... anyway) this map is easy to navigate, looks amazing and is really fun to play on. With or without it being a remake, it gets 10/10 from me
This map is against the Rules! In my world this already counts as Porn, because of how sexy it is. When you look at his other Maps you will clearly see that this Guy is some sort of Porn Spam Bot, I declare Instant Ban!