Contagium ...a map with a pretty basic, yet complex layout - intended to play both team slayer and infection, but, after recent editing, I decided to just make it just slayer (as well as CTF, Assault, and gametypes alike). I'm not going to say too much about it now because it's not done, but here's some basic info... Canvas Map: Sandbox Recommended Players: 4-8 Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer, CTF, Assault Map Description: Basically an enclosed area with two bases, two sub bases, and a center connecting them all. Equipment: None yet Weapons: 1x Energy Sword 2x BRs 2x Carbines 2x Needlers 2x Shotguns (all weapons subject to change/weapon placement still not complete) and here's the layout... Soooooo what do you think?
I cant really see much from this top pic. I cant see the elevation changes, cover or any details besides the main overview. More pictures would be nice. It does look good though.
Sort of (vaguely) reminds me of a Battle Creek type thing. It looks good though. Gameplay looks mostly confontational, but it is short, sweet, and to the point. I like the bases at each end but I'd pump those kind of aesthetics into the rest of the map as well just to accomplish a theme, but my motto is gameplay>aesthetics so make sure you get your gameplay desire down first.
i have =]. i used to focus mainly on aesthetics, but now i focus more on how what will effect what in gameplay. i've noticed changing one tiny thing can even effect it. but ya, just wait till you see the map enclosed. it looks ALOT better. thanks for the comment btw =D