hello, im a new member of the forge hub community.I have been checking out all the cool posts and everything.I was bored so i am going to build something but i dont know what.If you want you can join me if you please.
Try taking ideas from around you. Other games, real life situations, movies. Usually something will set a spark off for an idea.
And not just alot of manncannons and soccerballs like every ten year old makes. Not sayin that you're ten just make sumtin gud
No, no, no. Do NOT get ideas from other maps (unless it's one tiny feature). The best way to make a map that will be recognized is to find what has currently NOT been done, and then do it well. It's called originality, and all the featured maps have loads of it. =D
I agree with Lance, except for the last part, most of the featured maps are not that original. Albatross, Cat N' Mouse, Tremors, and many others were not original ideas or maps (although Albatross did add a hill, but that is a small feature).
If you really need an idea for a map, think of what YOU want in a map. Try to think "what would be really really cool and I wish someone would make already?" and then make it. Or, a soccer field. Your choice.
everyone is right just look at stuff around you or think of you favorite thing and you will get an idea. one of my maps (not yet posted) i got from a planters peanut. don't laugh because it is one of my better maps.
Really?! I got my latest idea from a chashew (before that was an almond)!! lol i'm just kiddin with u. Okay, on topic here, i think u should try to build a map with the same theme as Turf. An urban environment. You could have a bunch of multistory buildings with streets between them.
Turf was an awesome map. If you can make something like that map (but please, not a remake) it could be kinda successful.