Infection: Rising

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by L337beanbag, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. L337beanbag

    L337beanbag Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So basically since i succeeded in making a gametype that both infected and humans enjoy when i created "NotOfThisWorld" (link in sig) iv'e been trying to come up with a new game that trumped it.

    Gametype Beta:
    Zombie traits
    90% movement speed
    50% gravity (jump higher)
    90% damage resistance
    normal shields
    25% leech
    50% slower recharge
    Advanced motion trackers, 25m range

    Human traits
    110% dmg resistance
    4X overshields
    5% shield decay
    no recharge
    100% movement speed
    125% gravity (heavier)
    weapon pickup
    No leech
    No radar

    Last man traits
    +10% to speed
    +10% to Dmg resistance
    waypoint added

    The Humans are fairly strong, but they won't stay that way, because of the decay on their shielding they will be forced to travel to vending machines iv'e placed on the map containing a custom power up, only two of the machines will have health where the rest will be ammunition.
    Zombies can judge which humans to attack based on the colour of their overshields, duller ones will mean weaker prey that will soon be forced to seek health.

    In the field of weaponry humans will have access to the following:
    Magnums (primary weapon, most abundant ammunnition)
    SMGs (can be found in most areas of the map, second most available ammo)
    ARs (one in the field and in some vendors)
    Shotguns (one in a vendor and drop in timed map event)

    Now the first question im sure, " WHERE ARE TEH BRs!!!! U IS NOOB!"
    I didn't want to put any all purpose weapons that a player could keep the entire game, you will have to deal with magnums for headshots.
    All ammo on the map will be never respawn to force rationing and remembering where you can get a refill, the only source of ammunition will eventually be vending machines which restock themselves every 30 and 60 minutes depending on weapon quality.

    The map is in production and has a beta i will put up for testing soon.

    So what i'm asking for is further ideas on the game and what sort of mapping would compliment the style i'm going for?

    Update 1: Super rough map plan with some of my ideas


    As i work on the map and get more solid information i will bump and post here to save the threads.

    Oh and mostly inconsequential but i'm going to call it Rising, name reserved XD
    #1 L337beanbag, Apr 23, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2010
  2. Forgeboy

    Forgeboy Forerunner

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    omg so cool
  3. L337beanbag

    L337beanbag Ancient
    Senior Member

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    umm well thanks, but do you have anything to add? i'm glad the idea sounds cool but it's only in development.
  4. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm going to tell you ahead of time, the zombies will absolutely hate the game because they will never be able to catch the humans. Slow zombies is the worst possible idea ever.
  5. L337beanbag

    L337beanbag Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i wouldn't call 75% speed unbearably slow really i tried it out in a custom and it seemed ok, but thats really what i need comments that point out flaws and ways to solve them. personally i had a very tight map in mind so that speed was the only advantage humans had.
    Bump because of updates, check the main post, i added an EXTREMELY rough map plan and a some additional info.
    Bump, new info

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