Or for only $50 more dollars I can buy an xbox 360 arcade and have a backup xbox.... Yeah basically they are just trying to make like $80 more off of a game...sigh
I can already hear the 'rich kid' abuse that'll be hurled at players wearing the flaming head online. As for the diorama, collectible toys like that generally go for pretty steep prices anyway, so in a way it adds up price wise. Still, I can safely say that none of the above inclines me to shell out even an extra £5 over standard price, I'll go with the regular edition thanks.
The legendary edition will go down later, they always do. I picked up my H3 Legendary after my regular disc stopped working for 45$. That book piqued my curiosity, I'm planning on getting the limited edition at least EDIT: Actually, if the action figures can float in the tub, then maybe I'll pick up legendary.
If i can get a summer job and I'll have money I'll get the legendary edition but only for the case, chances are I'll sell the little statue thing since its pretty useless.
This. I basically want it for resale value after it is sold out. But I'm keeping the flaming helmet. ;D
So... for in-game armor, the Legendary edition gets you a flaming helmet for a Spartan and the ol' Councillor permutation for the Elites? As for other things, the Legendary gives you a cool UNSC box (which is huge), a small statue, a hefty price tag, and the Limited edition stuff. The Limited edition gets you an ONI Black Box container, a book containing some answers to unanswered questions about Halo canon, and possibly other stuff. I'd like to get the awesome statue, but since it's too expensive, I'll probably settle on the Limited edition, as much as I'd like the Legendary. Oh well, at least I get awesomesauce Councillor-ness.
Damn, why can't they sell a Multiplayer edition where it just includes the game, the Elite armor, and the Flaming Spartan armor?
Why cant they sell a kind of Mythtic Disc. Only Multiplayer, Forge and Theater, I would buy it. For the Legendary, as Black said, the resale value is a pretty good point and one of the few that would get me to buy it. Otherwise, I don't like the Action Figures and the ... wait the second, I can haz flaming helmetz? My Internet ***** will be sooooooow huge when I have that. When I post a Reach Map I will only show Action Shots with mez and everyone will download it, first I'll get Architect, then Admin and finally this wont me ForgeHub.com no more, this will be LD.com! I don't get the point that people actually consider buying that. A normal Game costs around 60-70€ here, that alone is a shitload of money for a Videogame, but giving away over 100€ just to have some toys and to set your spartan on fire? Excuse me, but If you have to much money, give it to some Homeless or Donate it or get yourself some Alcohol and have a Party. Everything is better that spending so much money on a Videogame.
Amen... I wantz teh Cool Flaming Helmet too, but not to the point of spending 150+ dollars on it. Anyone who does is just wasting their money...
I don't think there would be much resale in the statue. If they don't sell in the first place then who would buy it later down the road for a profitable price. It's only value lies uber hardcore game fans.
This makes me kinda wonder... Even though this will be Bungie's last game and all what will Bungie/343 Industries get that is so special everyone will want? Cause I mean, we can already buy the Legendary once it becomes available which will come with a flaming spartan helmet.
I have about $100, maybe. My birthday is before Reach comes out so Imma save up to get it but I'm gonna have to reserve it quickly. Like I should be at GameStop now.
$150 is half a month of rent for me... And my landlord does not accept Halo: Reach Statues as payment... So... I guess that's a no-go for me. Actually, even if I had the money I wouldn't consider it. My spartan will look sweet without a flaming helmet, with all the customization options they're giving us. According to my dashboard countdown, only 9 days, 1 hour, 50 minutes, and 32 seconds until may third. (For EST) =D
Anything Halo I seem to never keep my hands off, we have two Halo 3: Legendary boxes. Halo: Reach Legendary edition sounds a hell of a lot better than a spartan helmet. Depending on if I'm out of debt by the time Halo: Reach comes out, I might pick up to two of these.
I guess Bungie found a way to rape the consumers out of a crap load of money, and it sure did work. I plan on purchasing the Legendary edition only if I've got the money to buy it with when it comes around. Flaming helmets are going to get really annoying, kinda like Hayabusa or Recon when Bungie went overboard with the Vidmaster Achievements.