This is a little tactic I learned on Longshore 1 Flag. From my experience it seems to work a minimum of 50% of the time. Give it a try next time you load up some team mythic and let me know how it works out for you. Feedback is welcome!
Haha, as soon as you grabbed the Grav Lift, I knew what you are going to do. That's a great idea, I will have to try it if I ever play 1 Flag on Longshore.
I have never played a game of Longshore ctf and I think I never will, but this is just great xD seomehow it reminds me of tossing the Flag out of the Windows on Battle/Beaver Creek ^^
Yeah, I can see what you mean. Remember when you could toss the flag out the front window on waterworks?
No ... I have never grabbed the flag on waterworks, as far as I can remember ^^ I always drove the warthog, but never really got into one of the bases. Damn, I can't find that old MLG Video of the perfect Flag Cap on Creek, I searched for it yesterday and now for about 30 minutes but I just can't find it.