Hey guys I entered an online guitar solo contest, and I need your help! The winner is based off of the number of views, comments and rating, so PLEASE COMMENT, AND RATE! YouTube- Camp Jam, Contest Entry
Nicely played ... i detest the Gretsch / Vox combo though. Gretsch guitars are generally thin/weedy/trebly and the Vox does nothing to mask it Just my opinion though.
Nothing you did was actually original, it was bits and pieces and riffs from other guitarists. EDIT: Case and point. YouTube- Stevie Ray Vaughan-Pride And Joy
It still takes skill to play them all. Do you have any idea how difficult the riffs are? Do you have any idea how hard it is to create an original GOOD piece of music? In any case, nice playing, I really enjoyed it =D
I didn't realize there was so much SRV in my video, but It is practucally impossible to write a song without it sounding like another song. I wrote that with my guitar teacher with no intentions of taking from SRV however okage was right it was very hard to play. Also your right I based most of the song off of that blues turnaround, which is not original just a good thing to improvise on.
Yes, I'm a guitarist myself. Other wise I wouldn't have called him on it. Originality and creation are the easiest parts of music imo. And if you had gone in that same direction it would have been fine, the two would have just sounded similar, but you played some of the exact same riffs. I'm not insulting you, or your music, I'm just saying you should try for more originality in your work.