Sandbox Dark Hollow

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by L337beanbag, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. L337beanbag

    L337beanbag Ancient
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    Hello everyone, L337beanbag here with his returning to forge map post so *drumroll*



    A foreword before getting into the map (you can skip if you really want, i know most of you do >_> ) Dark Hollow was, to begin with, my entry into last years Halloween infection contest but i didn't finish by the deadline so it got stuffed into my hard-drive and not seen for a long time but recently i found myself bored and decided to finish it off. the result is this Aesthetic map that is intended to simulate as natural an environment as i could create out of sandbox's objects which as it turns out is a wooded vale with logging encampments situated in the crypt.
    I do have some money and objects left so i may continue working on this until it is exactly what a had in store for it.

    Map description: Dark hollow is a relatively small aesthetic woodland area in the crypt of sandbox, it supports mid sized slayer games well and infection to some extent, weapons on the map include ARs, BRs, Sniper, Shotgun, Flamethrower, grenades, BruteShot and some firebombs.

    Now, what everyone wants, *drumroll* the pictures!
    (God i miss

    Overview 1: Frankly it used to be dark, but then i remembered how much everyone hates effects.

    Overview 2:

    Hollowed out tree: this is a too big to miss in the map, yes you can go inside.

    Cave: you can get in by crouching through the entrance or falling through one of the holes on the hilltop, only way out is the main entrance though.

    Logger camp site: Some cozy tents and a garrison, i'd feel comfortable.

    An overgrown shack: Situated on a hilltop, three ways in and two ways out.

    A view of the woods: i spy with my little eye something beginning with T...

    That pretty much covers the map, even though it's in the aesthetic section i think everyone enjoys some action shots XD

    A cozy fire: Please direct your attention away form the fusion coils about to detonate.

    Burn baby burn: its a disco inferno... oh wait never mind it's the normal kind

    Tree Hugger: Damn hippies!

    Well that pretty much covers everything there is to this map, i hope iv'e motivated some people to get out there and move away from urban, rundown and ancient designs in their sandbox maps, as a last word ill leave you with this picture to caption yourselves.


    Uploaded with

    Be grateful, i removed every imageshack ad except this one, they deserve some credit XD

    Leave any feedback, good or bad but please make it constructive i will try to reply to everything.

    #1 L337beanbag, Apr 23, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2010
  2. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
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    Erm, it seems kind of messy; I feel like the whole dark forest feel could have been done better using things like merged Obelisks rather than wood bridges and radio antenae. Right now, the map just looks like a jumble of parts strewn across the Crypt.

    Good idea, execution needs work.

    #2 Moxus, Apr 23, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2010
  3. L337beanbag

    L337beanbag Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Fair enough, i agree that it looks messy from the pictures but from ground level in-game i think that it looks dramatically different, i will give obelisks a try when i make a v2 though so thanks.
    Also for the record it looks FAR better with the effects i originally used (juicy+colourblind) but that caused eye strain while actually playing a game so i removed them i might put up some comparison pictures for people to get a better idea of what i mean.
    #3 L337beanbag, Apr 23, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2010
  4. LOL Master

    LOL Master Ancient
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    This reminds me of gay....... The map looks like you decided to show off what everyone else can do and that it ghost merge and interlock. Interlocking everything around to make it look like a vertical piece of poo doesen't make a good map.
  5. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    Are you sure there won't be any players camping in the logging area?

    Sorry, lol, I just wanted to get that out. Anyway, this does look like a neat forest map. I like the concept, but the smaller trees need a bit of work. Maybe geomerge the stumps into the ground a bit, and smoothen the wood trunks. The radio antennae are not a good idea, you should get rid of those. For leaves, I suggest interlocking some Tin Cups into the tree trucks for a better forest feel.
    #5 Plasma Rifle Elite, Apr 23, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2010
  6. L337beanbag

    L337beanbag Ancient
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    Oh err sorry i honestly thought the map looked better than that and i didn,t make it to show off, i would have put much more work into it if that were true.

    And to the post above, like i stated this was originally a map with effects, they distracted totally from the the stumps not being merged and the radio antenna not being "trees".
    The primary reason the radio antenna are there is to add an different element to the forest feel, that being knocking down trees and using them to climb to new heights.
    #6 L337beanbag, Apr 23, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2010
  7. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    Hmm.. very interesting. One thing I could say is that Ive never seen a map with random trees everywhere. Well its a logging camp so I guess it fits. I do agree with LOL master, but not completely. Most of the time its all merging and interlocking. Whats missing from this map is an asethtic.. asthetic? Whatever. that will make people remember this map. You need to make your map distinctive from others. Like OH! I like that map with the big building or that waterfall thingy.
    #7 RageQuit, Apr 24, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2010
  8. L337beanbag

    L337beanbag Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I see what your driving at, basically your saying the map needs something that is ONLY in this map, i'll have to think of that in the v2

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