So, I continue my quest for my last achievement: Steppin' Razor. all my friends say it's the easiest one to get, you just have to get a sword game. Problem is, i've never playd a swrods game in lone wolves. My question is: is there still swrods in lone wovles? If so, how frequently, cause i've played like 5 games yesterday and it never showed up. Thanks
Or you could puss out and get the sword on any other map. I got mine while semi-camping the orange lift on Construct. Back on topic, I played a couple sword games, but I'm noticing that they're becoming less and less.
the sword does still spawn. at normal rates to. any pit match or construct match, and get the sword. A triple kill is easy to land in the pit. crouch inside the sword room. take about30 mins LEARNING player location based on your radar: aka if on your radar a player is slowly moving left, then start going 90 degrees; means they are on the level of the sword spawn, and have turned a corner. yes. this is common sense. HOWEVER actually learning where they are physically based on THAT information alone is a HUGE tool. also, if you are going for steppin razor. CROUCH. or, alternate. no matter how pro, people ALWAYS check as to why the red dot just disappeared. and if they go around, since you are crouched... you get my point. and if you find using crouch hard on your thumb, turn on toggle crouch. takes some time getting used to but it has saved my but thousands of times, giving me kills, and let me focus on running since once you are hit you stand anyways.
Ehh, that's partially true. If i'm on the pit and I see that red dot dissappear near/around the sword room, I head the other way.
do you really think im that dumb to figure that stuff out by myself? i was asking about sword games, not swrod containing maps
The only matchmaking achievements I seem to have trouble getting are the double kill with the laser and the mongoose mowdown. I just never seem to be able to find the opportune moment....
Well, when I used to play Lone Wolves there were many sword matches. I actually earned my Steppin' Razor on that in Guardian. It's a strange place to play it in, and sadly ended my Overkill achievement because I launched at the last guy and flew off into the abyss. -_-
I got the overkill and steppin' razor achievements in a swords game on lone wolves. Sword games are definitely still on lone wolves but I've been getting less and less of them lately.
Mongoose mowdown was my first achievement. was in high ground down by the missile pod, hopped on the mongoose, and chassed down 3 players. almost got a triple with it but i gig get a double and mongoose mowdown.
i'm exactly the same ... i can't get either of those ... and for some reason i'm totally pap with equipment, so i don't have the 'We're in for some Chop' one ... boo. I also need the 'Maybe Next Time Buddy' ... i just keep forgetting to find an opportune moment for it.
Maybe next time buddy can be done in Rumble pit with a guest or friend if you're deserate. and we're in for some chop can be done in Campaign, just throw a couple trip mines on Tsavo Highway at the first big battle with the choppers. As far as Steppin Razor goes, I nailed mine on the pit back when there was only 5 people in Lone Wolves, just wait for a battle and everyone converges on it, then go mop up. I get swords matches all the damn time when I play Lone Wolves and it's mildly annoying. No idea why they don't show up for you. A swrods matc might not be the easiest to get it anyway, because as soon as you start battling someone, someone will most likely come assassinate you. Swords matches are dumb.
I dont think the Swords games are apearing less... someone told me (I don't know if it was true) but he said that they apear about 25 - 50% in Lone Wolves. But I am possitive that they apear the most.