
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Dynamic Echo, Apr 26, 2008.

  1. Dynamic Echo

    Dynamic Echo Ancient
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    Click Here To Download The Map

    Click here to download Radiation V2, designed for highly competitive games.

    After many balance changes and adjustments I believe I am finally ready to release my latest map, radiation. Fiction wise, the map is set in and around the reactor room of Voi power plant. The map comes complete with fully interlocked floors, walls and ceilings. A great deal of time and effort was put into making movement around the map flow seamlessly.
    The map is in a figure of eight configuration, with a reactor room in the centre. Now I warn you, the map is quite small and confined and as such not suited to particularly large games, with ten players being the maximum that can feasibly be accomodated.
    One of the greatest changes to come about after testing was the removal of equipment, as it was deemed to be too powerful in the narrow corridors. That said, in asymetrical games there is equipment, to allow the attackers to sow confusion (radar jammer) and the defenders to quickly block off a corridor in emergencies (deployable cover). These have long respawns so must be used conservatively. It must be noted that the physics exploits associated with radar jammers do not make a difference on this map, the ceiling is too low.
    The specific weapons on the map are as follows:
    • Four battle rifles
    • Four sub-machine guns
    • Four plasma rifles
    • Two covenant carbines
    • Two assault rifles
    • Eight plasma grenades (Long Respawn)
    • Four fragmentation grenades
    The grenades may seem to be overpowered but due to long respawns they are used altogether more conservatively than one would expect.

    Now on to pictures, now I warn you some of these were taken during playtesting and show equipment, which is not present in the current version.

    As you can see from the image below, this map is great for SWAT!

    This map works with all gametypes, though in objective games respawn times should be reduced from Bungie defaults, particularly for defenders, as otherwise stopping the enemy from escaping with the flag is extremely difficult. I would recomend SWAT for this map, particularly without grenades.
    I hope you have fun with this map, I know I have.

    Due to popular request I have created a map showing layout and weapon placement, this is below:
    Black areas denote the walls, and the grey central area is the reactor. The background is a gratuitous picture of avalanche. I have just realised I left out the carbines, these are up against the wall oposite the frag grenades.

    Click Here To Download The Map

    Cheers, Dynamic Echo.
    #1 Dynamic Echo, Apr 26, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2008
  2. Fly

    Fly Ancient
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    Should be featured!
  3. Dynamic Echo

    Dynamic Echo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thankyou, I assume you mean about the interlocking? That took ages.
  4. KB

    KB Ancient
    Senior Member

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    best map from a junior member in.... FOREVER!
  5. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks really good.
    Great interlocking
  6. soccerholic1816

    soccerholic1816 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just because someone is a junior member doesnt mean they are new to forging...

    Anyways, great map! Looks like a lot of fun and so clean with all the interlocking. Great job.
  7. Dynamic Echo

    Dynamic Echo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the positive comments guys.
  8. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    The map looks great and so is the interlocking, and everyone else has said this so you can be pretty sure it's true. I'm not really a fan of claustrophobic, enclosed maps based off narrow corridors, but I'm sure you pulled it off quite well.

    My only concern is that with the few weapons and no equipment put on for slayer games, it could be a bit boring, gameplay wise. BR's and duals aren't really the most prolific weapons out there, and generally people like a variety of weapons and tactics. Unless you're going for an MLG feel, that is.

    I'd consider adding a power drain and brute shot with no spare clips as "power weapons", with long respawn.
  9. Dynamic Echo

    Dynamic Echo Ancient
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    In honesty I hadn't tried the brute shot but that is a good idea for a possible version two, depending on how people think it actually plays. I did, however, try the power drain, and the result was horific as, of thrown correctly, the drainer's are of effect could encompass the entire reactor room, which made combat impossible until it is destroyed. If you don't like confined maps then this isn't for you but if you do then doubles SWAT matches work very well, it inspires teamwork.

    On variety: I tried using more varied weapons but this made it unfair in most cases - a shotgun is just too powerful, as are most conventional power weapons. I'm not a fan of brute weapons, so I rarely include those, though I did try them. Spikers simply aren't strong enough unless dual-wielded, whereas a single SMG is much more effective due to rapid munitions transfer. This didn't leave me with much choice, though I did include carbines for some break from BRs.

    Equipment: As I said before it is just too effective in the combined spaces, however, the plasma grenades effectively replace this in feel, as the confined corridors give players less options in escaping the blast radius.
    #9 Dynamic Echo, Apr 26, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2008
  10. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    The map looks like it took forever, but you did it really well!
    It seems a little too small for more than 2 on 2, but that's alright.

    And I had an idea to add on to this map to make it a little bigger, do you mind if I use it and add on, or completely start over from scratch? Of course credit for your part goes to you.
  11. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    This looks like a really tidy map, but from the images it is very hard to grasp the overall shape,

    Also are the powerups reachable?
  12. Dynamic Echo

    Dynamic Echo Ancient
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    Feel free to add to it for your own custom games, just as long as you let me have a look when you are done!

    Also it works best for 2v2, but is still competitive for 3v3. More than that and it is more suitable for casual games.

    Matty- I'll do a quick sketch of the layout and weapon placement, just for you. The powerups on the edges of the reactor cannot be obtained, the ones in the centre can but then the grav lift pushes you into the reactor itself, and you die.
    #12 Dynamic Echo, Apr 26, 2008
    Last edited: May 2, 2008
  13. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I very much like maps like these, but often times they aren't made well. But you seem to have solved that problem. I have it q'ued.
  14. Dynamic Echo

    Dynamic Echo Ancient
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    I have now added a map, sorry about the lack of carbine pics but I described where they are and it doesn't take much imagination.
  15. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Simple, yet elegant. Plus, a great background story. Anything with nuclear reactor in it usually has my download. Good interlocking, weapons placement looks superb, and you spent a lot of time on your post. You have my DL.
  16. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    Q'd for download. It looks like a good map for a small group of people... I personally like that in a map because sometimes it's hard to find a large group of people...
  17. Dynamic Echo

    Dynamic Echo Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments guys, very nice and positive.
  18. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    I agree with the end part, most people hate those kind of weapons, but when they come to think about it, its a new challenge to try and overcome the person that has the power weapon, but i wouldn't use the power drain, i'd go with a regenerater or some type of shield, the PD just makes me mad lol
  19. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    AMAZING INTERLOCKING !!!!! The map layout is awsome, im digging the tunnel/labatory maze idea, the middle thing looks awsome too man this map is great. very creative
  20. Dynamic Echo

    Dynamic Echo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Right, so would people like to see a version 2 with a brute shot as a power weapon? This would also feature some other slight tweaks, but nothing major.

    If I did this would anyopne be interested in playtesting?

    Version 2 is done and tested, I will update shortly if people want it.
    #20 Dynamic Echo, Apr 27, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2008

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