Sandbox Arizona Grind

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Cosmic Rick, Apr 6, 2010.

  1. DIEabolical

    DIEabolical Ancient
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    In case u missed it this one is pretty huge.
  2. superduper66

    superduper66 Ancient
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    "Size matters not" - Yoda, Star Wars Episode V

    Besides, any map that is built on the Guardians Blocked map is technically as big as your map, lol
  3. TheKingOfCrash7

    TheKingOfCrash7 Forerunner

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    This map looks badass. that pic of walking up to the red base from the right side just gives u a feel of the epic-osity of this map. A download for sure. I could see how some parts could get complicated to navigate... I'll get over it. It's late, I'm just bitching.
  4. superduper66

    superduper66 Ancient
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    I have a question: How'd you make it so only a portion of the Guardians are blocked? your map is made on an area of the map that would normally be on Guardians Blocked, but if yo go past those colored columns, the towers will shoot at you? I think that is super cool.

    Oh, and PS, I'm making a map that'll be bigger >:D
  5. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    it's pretty easy. I just had a second controller dying so i could see where the guardians were shooting while i was blocking them off with y intersections. Its pretty easy to get the angles that you want. then just save/quit the objects in place.

    I'm definitely not the first person to do it, though. LIGHTSOUT for one...
  6. ThunderSpartan9

    ThunderSpartan9 Ancient
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    Its sad to c you finish up ur last map but u finished with a BANG!!! utah mambo was good but this i guess u can say "sequel" is awesome good job
  7. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Wait... your last map for halo 3??? NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Oh wait, theres reach. Nevermind.

    Rick, you are the reason why I try to make maps, because something amazing can happen, and it does with each of your maps. Kentucky Tango, Pallet Parade, Utah Mambo, (yes I'm a fan) and now this. This map is great, being way out in the dark with every glitch exploited harder than Activision does with their games (ZING!!!).

    Let's just say with all the forge knowledge to start off with, Reach will be an epic game. (Dont debate me on this, there is forge)

    YEE MAN IZ BAK Ancient
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    This is an impressive map for being in the sand dunes and how it is playable up to 8-16 players. I like how you utilized the Geometry of the map building around it. The atmosphere and forge on this map are great you encounter in some awesome firefights. I remember the old days getting Waterworks in team snipes on h2.Great job on the map! 5/5
  9. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Dark silky dunes roll
    waterworks reminiscent
    choose your path wisely
    // One of your best haikus to date, can't wait to see what you come up with for reach.
    "last project for halo 3" No summer surprises? :(
    I have no idea how I totally miss this one, hopefully my bumping is not frowned upon, if there was ever a thread to bump..
  10. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Lol. I approve of that bump.

    Anyway, no. No summer surprises. Cosmic Rick has a full time job now. And I'm trying to get printed at Threadless (or at least get pretty decent at illustrator) before Reach comes out and I get forge-obsessed again.
  11. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
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    Its good to see you make yet another amazing competetive map. You have always done a good job in the past and still continue to.

    This map however has a very asthetic look to it which is what I really admire in maps. I promise myself I will play a game or two on it to give back gameplay feedback.
  12. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Is it bad that I didnt know you posted this? lol.

    I remember playing this with you and some other famous people, LOL, a long time ago. Only there was a bunch of random crap off in the normal play space and I was very tempted to stroll over there and take one of those choppers. Anyway, it was really fun, but since I suck, I tried to mainly camp the inside of the middle with my close range skills of epicness. It worked pretty good most of the time. I must say it was really fun to play, I usually dont like the tower blocked maps cuz the noise is annoying but the map was fun enough to distract me from it so thats good. I feel stupid for not knowing you posted this till 3 months later. I fell off...

    Great map dude, please dont stop when Reach comes.

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