Paradox Origins Created by Mander, YEE MAN, Gamer720, TecH, and Aftershock 10 Required Gametype: Paradox Forgers Recommended Players: 1 A toxic paradox wafts through the air in a haze of deadly, asphyxiating befuddlement - hidden within this mist is a map that is about to take your brain juice, turn it in a tumble dryer, blast it in a blender, toss it through a tornado, and make love to it with an elephant. This, my slightly queasy friends, is Paradox Origins; a puzzle map forged by not 1, not 22, not -3, but 5 of the best puzzle makers around fresh out of the insane asylum! This map took so long to make that some people even thought it was a hoax. Paradox Origins is the prequel to the previously Featured map Paratroxity (because puzzle maps have a deep story and integral plot yo!) and contains a whopping (not of the "Burger King" variety) 16 challenges - Each one unique, tailored to the style of its creator, and filled with candy*. This is not a map you can hope to complete in a matter of minutes; it will take time, patience, and a downright unhealthy knowledge of Halo's mechanics to complete, but you didn't want it to be easy now, right? Thankfully a checkpoint system with two hubs helps to ease your suffering, allowing you to catch your breath after each section of challenges. A puzzle map is not usually known for its aesthetics but these intrepid designers of derailment have gone out of their way to ensure an experience pleasant on the eyes, if not on the brain. Please enjoy the view of the looming corridors and suffocating spaces as you tear your hair out! Oh, and don't mind the brain matter spread across the walls and the limbs decorating the floor, those were just the testers. So I leave you with a question: What happens when you take a quintuplet of Halo 3 forgers, stick them in an Xbox Live Party together, mix with a spoon full of "crazy", and pop the whole thing in the oven for a few months? The answer is a download away, waiting ominously on your 360. *Challenges may or may not contain candy Download Paradox Origins Download "Paradox Forgers" Gametype Original FH Thread If you have any thoughts on this article, or the front page in general, that you would like to share with us then we invite you to post your opinions in the Front Page Feedback thread.
Wow, I cannot believe this got featured! I mean, we really did spend a lot of time on it and all, but not one of us expected it to get fetured. We figured that it would just seem like another Paratroxity, and that we were just trying to do the same thing again. So we were actually just building it for the fans of puzzles; we didn't think there was a chance in hell we'd see another one of our maps up here. So this is a really nice surprise. I appreciate that you guys have recognized that creating entirely new challenges is what determines the originality of Origins rather than the fact that was mainly worked on by the same people, and seems very similar in that it was a collaborative puzzle map with a relatively close difficulty level. Still this is a very generous decision. So yeah, thanks again, and great write up Buddha, lol.
I don't think it would count as the maps were made by more than four people. I'm guessing maybe each counts as a half point?
Impossible, completely impossible, i am garbage at puzzle maps to begin with. But congrats for pissing off my friend to the point when he threw his
Wow congrats man!!! i have to say this is one of my favourite maps, and it makes me even happier to see it featured =)
Puzzle maps deserve their time to shine and you guys are the best..there is no way this wasn't getting featured
I'm the same way with puzzle maps, Shad0w Viper likes to set traps for me so I die. It's funny really, but I do stink at puzzle maps by myself. What's puzzling (hah get it?) is that most games I like to play by myself, but puzzle maps I enjoy playing with friends.
Congrats Mander, YEE MAN, GAMER, TC3HH and AFTERSHOCK, I knew this map was gonna be featured, thats what happens when you pour your Heart and Soul into a map. GREAT JOB, and by the way YEEMAN, your challenge is still the hardest IMO, takes me 20 minutes to get the ****in Deployable Shield and I STILL MISS the Double JUMP lol You Guys TOTALLY deserved this!
I figured this thread would be up sooner or later. Im glad it was sooner. Overall the map is incredible, and definetly deserves this feature. I have to say though, i wouldnt have been able to figure this out without your help mander, haha.... Congrats
Well, that's a fine map there. Normally, I would dl, but I won't for one reason: I couldn't get past the second challenge on Paratroxity. This one... I can't even imagine how hard it would be -.- Oh, and congrats for the feature.
YEA! congrats dudes , this map is so boss. Created by the best puzzle makers in the game who also inspired me to create a puzzle map myself. Well deserved feature and look forward to more puzzles from u guys!
I am honestly shocked that this got featured, and I know Mander already covered most of what I was gonna say cuz I wrote it out on our site and he stole it. But ya know that's kewl. Anyhosen, awesome write up Buddha, although, you took a turd on my name cuz one, you spelt it wrong and lead it to a different account. But that's kewl too. Great job on the write up tho. Mander + Buddha = Poop face
I did? Whoops, fixed! Edit: Nvm looks like Pegasi saves the day again! Always having to clean up my mess...
This map is beautiful like the Original, and I'm looking forward to the tutorial next week. I could tell that you've put a lot of hard work and time into this, and I could just see it in this years best of forge. The map is flawless, at least the first damn challenge... Any, tips maybe? Good job guys.
I just gave this a quick go (will have a longer go later) and i couldnt get past the starting challenge. I know it has something to do with that turret... I went through in forge and managed to get past the 2nd challenge though. Anyway, this map is amazing and is a well deserved feature. p.s: Im determined to not look at that tutorial.
This map simply genius..... I still can't beat or come close and i have spent hours on it. I beat so many other puzzle maps including paratroxity but this one i just cant figure out