So i got it. The content aware tool is pretty neat. It doesn't work all that great on flesh. Though i might just need to get used to it. For now, i settled with removing my face. CNC?
Congrats on getting the most B.A. version of Photoshop ever. As for the pic, its veery creepy lol. Not much to CNC there, on the left it looks a little like it imploded.
Also, if you make a kewl effect or area of a sig and you want to recreate around the rest of it, just content awaaaaaarzweeeee
HARi. I R Disappoint. CS5 is out June 30th. You shouldn't say you have it... On a publicly accessable forum on here.
Wow ,this is pretty cool. Keep posting photos of stuff u edited with the new photoshop. i'm curios to see what all its got in the new version.
A beta version of a program is not illegal...downloading a program, especially one as expensive as Photoshop, without being a part of the beta program is. Therefore, I'm not going to say you can't discuss a beta or show off what it can do. However, I'm not willing to have a "PM me for a link to a download" on the forums. That's both illegal and not fair to Adobe.
Oh, oops. I downloaded the portable beta a few days ago but forgot to install it. Must go do that now.
CS5 is CS4 with like 2 small added things, a better Quick Select tool, and Content-Aware Fill, and a new interface that takes 2 sec to learn.
Shame, you're sorely misinformed. It's far more than just "2 small added things and a new interface...