Dear Krystal, You'll probably never get this message. It's true, I've fallen in love with you. This is the truth and I cannot help it. I fell in love with you before I visited this latest time. When I first met you, you seemed like such a nice girl, and ironically I wasn't even remotely interested in you. Yet, as we developed a friendship, I couldn't help but to think how amazing you really were. Never in my entire life was I able to relate to someone as well as I do to you. I first noticed that I started liking you when you told me "sweet dreams" when I went to bed. I was shocked, no one I know ever said that, it was my personal thing to say. Days passed as we talked. I found we had many more things in common than I came to expect. We have the same fears, the same likes, the same dislikes. It was astounding. I've never shared or have been more comfortable telling you any personal aspect or my life. Some of my friends don't even know some of the things I've told you and they are like brothers to me. It felt like they were the only friends I could ever have. When I told you these things, you never judged me, you never said anything negative about anything. In fact you were respectful and caring. Truly this was then I started falling in love. More days passed and we kept talking. Never in my life have I ever texted a girl so many times. The week before I came up here was the most exciting time. I kept thinking about you, being able to see you just one more time. Sure I wanted to hang out with Jared, but he wasn't top of the list. All I wanted to do was see you one last time. Monday was the best day of my life. I could almost remember every aspect of it. You wore your hair down, I was wearing my black button up shirt. You were wearing jeans and a blue top. We went bowling, that I didn't do so well in. Afterwords we came back to the apartment. Looked at movie choices and started watching Yes Man. I was in my pajamas, we were laying on the floor arguing who would sleep on the bed. You kept teasing me and touching my neck. I put the bed down and continued to tuck you in and sat in the chair to go to sleep. You said "get over here. I don't have cooties." I decided that it would be fine, so I laid next to you. We cuddled, it felt like my heart stopped. Like time itself just froze and I could be honestly happy for a moment instead of hiding behind the mask I put on every day. Then... When we kissed... I could have died right then and have been happy. I wanted that night, that feeling to last forever. I never wanted to let go of you. Then you pulled back... After that I felt guilty after I realized what had happened, but I wouldn't have changed anything about it. I'm not sure if you understand how painful and how hard it is to write this, but I have to do it. I want you to know that deep down, no matter what anyone tells you, you're beautiful. You're smart, kind, compassionate, funny, sweet, caring, gorgeous, pretty, and everything else I could possibly ever say. Also, no matter what, I will always be there when you need me. I would fly around the world on a whim. I will be standing there to protect you no matter the danger. I would give up anything to help you in any possible way. And no matter what... I will love you more than anyone else in the world ever could, that is a fact. You may not feel the same about me, you might think I'm doing this all for nothing, but if I'm doing it for you, that's all that matters. Now all I can do is hope that one day, the day you change my life, the say you could possibly far for me, could come to me with open arms. I would approach it with a smile, and embrace it as softly as possible. Make me one promise, do not ever stop being yourself. You are simply perfect the way you are. Don't listen to anyone that talk down on you. Don't think about what others think about you because you are you. I wouldn't want you to change a thing. Love, Jasper. This is a love letter I wrote to a girl. Yeah, these are my actual feelings, but this is also a type of art in a way too. Good stuff always comes from the heart.
It's interesting, but the thing is, posting something like this isn't inherently open to criticism. I mean, I could go on and make editorial notes and tell you "afterward" is how it's spelled. But I can't critique the content without it being an attack on your feelings directly, which is the entire point of writing it. I don't mean feelings as in, "I hurt your feelings" but your emotions, you wrote this as a love letter, and I would be critiquing your love not your content. I'm writing a memoir/philosophical discourse book, which I've already written a sizable portion of, but I probably won't post any of it here, simply because it isn't open to criticism in the same sense that a story is. As with your letter, one could only mark it up/down for grammar or syntax, but not what it is directly. Well you could critique the points, but that would require another chapter/book entirely (which is the case with philosophy I suppose).
Well you can say anything you'd like. It's alright. It wouldn't be an attack on my feelings seeing how this is like an art right here. What? Me?
No no, that's not what I'm saying. I didn't mean it as I would be attacking your expression, but the feelings themselves. Like, I'd be attacking Love, not your love, but the feeling in general, as opposed to criticizing what you're putting out. Hard to explain I suppose, nevermind.
That's really sweet, didn't think that genuine people were capable of such things. Wish more people were like you. On the note of criticism, she has a silly name
If you're in America, don't send that letter. For some reason, girls think it's crazy. My brother asked a couple of girls about it, and they say the same thing.
Thanks bud. I am quite a compassionate person so yeah... lol And I like her name. Take her to Krystal? I'm not sure what you mean. Is that a town or something? I'm quite American. She knows my feelings and I just wanted to write this out to her to show her the deepest compassion and care I have for her. She's already read it... was speechless, but still didn't help me win her over, which is alright. If she's happy, then I'm happy.
The letter is for after you get the girl. That way she doesn't feel embarrased about the letter, but rather happy. You don't write a love song for a girl unless you are her guy. See what I'm saying? Well I hope it works out for you.
Well stuff happens and she secretly read it so yeah and thanks Fraggy. I'd like it to work out too... It's all good bro. That's a pretty good metaphor, and yes. I had to clean it up after, pretty painful.
This was really good and deep. I really could picture and understand how you feel (I sort of went through almost the same thing). I hope you do advance in relationship terms and I wish you the best of luck.
Well, if you're going though the same thing I am and are feeling the same pain... I'm sorry. It's sucks bro. =/
It sucks when you give them the opportunity to obliterate your entire life. Don't be a fool like I was.... Trust no one, care for nothing........