Post Reach Pondering...

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by stickmanmeyhem, Apr 11, 2010.

  1. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Sort of a question posed out to you, the community. Once reach dies, will you keep following bungie, or just let them drift off into a distant memory?

    I personally think that if bungie doesn't make any more halo games, but 343 Studios takes over, I'll abandon the series. I may be interested in still following bungie in their games because of their quality, but I honestly don't know.
  2. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    Well, first off, I kind of have mixed ideas on if Halo Reach will be Bungie's last Halo game. They said Halo 3 would be the last Halo, too, but they made Halo 3: ODST and partly Halo Wars.

    As for your question, I'll probably still follow Bungie to see what the come out with next. It'll be interesting to see how Bungie attempts to create a bigger success than Halo was. I'm not saying they'll fail, it'll just be interesting.
  3. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    My estimation is that reach will be the only game I play for about three years, by that time I will probably be done with video games, and play reach for old times sake. If I would not be done with video games I would probably simply follow quality fun games, halo having an advantage because I simply love the universe.
  4. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    Ummm, no.

    Halo 3 they said was the last of the series, as in they're not continuing on to Halo 4 ,5, 6, so on. And they had nothing to do with Halo all. That was all Ensemble.

    I believe they're done with Halo after this, and yes. I will be following them afterward.
  5. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    I'm not sure, I mean, the halo universe was so vast and expansive, it had books and a mini series and RTSs and FPSs. I'm not really sure I can find room in my heart to play another bungie creation. On the flip side however, I have found room for halo after StarWars and LoTR, so I'm split on the idea.
  6. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    As said above halo 3 was the last of the TRILOGY. ODST was going to be just an expansion but became a little bit more than an expansion. Bungie has stated that Reach is their last HALO game. But to answer your question i will follow their future games mainly because they are awsome at making video games and to see what new story they will come up with.
  7. SMGstrings

    SMGstrings Ancient
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    I'll follow Bungie, and probably at least RENT future Halo games to enjoy the story as long as it doesn't get old or too convoluted. I won't be buying another Halo game after Reach though.
  8. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Um bungie was an influence in Halo Wars, Ensemble asked them about ideas for crap in that game and what they should have in it, thats partly why it wasn't a bad game. But yeah Halo Reach is the "Last Halo" and H3 was "Last of the Trilogy". I think i'll follow bungie just because of how they do games, i mean if there re doing marathon then **** yeah im gona buy it. As for 343 seeing as how its members of the Bungie team and not just the peons but people who actually care about halo, i'll probably but their games as well. I have a feeling 343 will be some what of how the Cod games went, you know with good people doing cod 2 and 4 and mw2 but shitty people doing 1 and 3 and partly waw.
  9. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I hope they do something besides Halo.
    The Halo Trilogy was good, I felt the player could connect with some of the characters more than the ones in ODST and probably Reach. When Miranda Keyes was shot I remember sort of hoping she'd get better, or when Johnson was killed you're like No Wai!
    ODST: here are some soldiers you don't care about, fighting in a city you don't care about ,which will be blow up anyway, to get an alien you also don't really care about...

    I just feel Halo is sort of getting like Star Wars, there is so much cannon, presented in so many ways that anything 'new' is a bit dull because you already know the setting, you know the rules and characters of the universe.
    Or how video games or movies will just use Nazis as the bad guys because it's easy.
    Yes, the **** did some bad things but you're not limited to only having Nazis as the bad guys!

    So yeah, I'd like to see somehing new, something microsft won't turn in to a cash cow
  10. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    I'm pretty sure that bungie provided info regarding the halo universe, but ensemble did everything else. It it would have been fine without bungie because ensemble was amazing at making RTS games.

    Anyway, I'll see what there new IP is and check if its any good. If not, then I will just play reach and any new games.
  11. silvergt

    silvergt Ancient

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    i think alot of you people takes bungies words to seriously..

    halo CE was never supposed to evolve into what, 5 games/spinoffs as of today?

    as long as bungie sees profits i dont see halo being abandoned.

    as for the main question, no, i will not follow bungie if they abandon halo, i dont care who makes halo as long as its the same game that we all love to play.
  12. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    I'll put this in the most polite way I can;

    I hated marathon. I never played Oni, I had never even heard of myth before informed me of it. Bungie only get a free ride because of Halo. If they make another game, the first one will sell well because it's them. After that, it'll be about the game quality.

    So no, unless they present a great looking game, I'm not going to keep following them. I like the franchise, not the company.
    (That said, Halo references in newer games would be nostalgic as hell :D)
  13. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Sometimes it really requires the match of a great game and developer to keep something going like Halo and the Call of Duty series. If Bungie quits halo games, they might try to make an entirely new game with the same basic gameplay and storyline, in which case it will just make me hate them for devaluing the story of Halo and I will not buy the game. I think there is a good reason most of the best games are sequels, just because a developer has gotten their hands on something good and keep perfecting that in new games.
  14. Panncakez

    Panncakez Ancient
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    I'm not sure, really. I'd no doubt follow Bungie due to their superior awesomeness, but whether or not I'd keep following Halo... that's another story. I'm, like, the biggest Halo nerd I know. Granted, I haven't read all of the books since some are just retelling events in the game with minor changes (like Cortana saying, "Piss off!" instead of "Sod off!"), but the Halo universe is one of the most captivating Sci-Fi universes I've ever encountered. The detail and canon behind the Halo universe is amazing, backed mostly by Bungie's attention to detail and the fact that they created the damn thing. There's also the mythical "Halo Story Bible," which supposedly contains all of the information about the Halo universe, even answers to unanswered questions, like "Will they ever find Master Chief?"

    Now, I know that some super fanboys cried out at Halo Legends for not paying attention to canon. Chain gun arms? Mysterious prototype armors? Mega Hunters? Preposterous. That was backed by 343 Industries. "I'm seeing a pattern," some will say. I say that the anime series was mostly filled with artistic liberties and such. Yes, "You're the only one who can... take the shot!" was possibly the corniest line ever, but who knows. Only time will tell. Perhaps 343 will succeed Bungie in awesomeness? How could we know? They haven't made a game yet.

    I will say that I surely won't buy another "Master Chief vs. the Universe" title, nor will I buy anything that just seems like they made it solely to get money and to milk the franchise for whatever its worth.
  15. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Being entirely designed by Bungie, I really feel halo can only be continued well by them. Another gaming company will surely put new people behind the storyline of Halo who will either just keep the story going with minimal change, or change it so much the story no longer makes sense. I figure that once separated both Bungie and Halo might fall.

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