Sandbox Luminary

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Loscocco, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Welcome my friends to:


    As the struggle for knowledge ends, the survivors at this archaeological digsite won't like what they find.

    Players Supported: 12-16
    Gametypes: Team Slayer, Capture the Flag
    Made by: Loscocco
    download Luminary here


    Luminary is a map by myself, Loscocco, and is designed for Big Team Battle by using the outer and inner region Sandbox's main level. The gameplay flow supports vehicles on the outter layer of the map and the center of the map is a haven for footsoldiers or people that wish to eliminate vehicles. This is because the middle is very crouded and flooded with the tools necessary to take out vehicles and to keep players alive. The overall gameplay is based off of something found in a Battlefield Bad Company game in which players are given almost full freedom to walk wherever they wish.

    Weapons, Equipment and Vehicles List:
    Warthog x4
    Mongoose: x3
    Chopper x1
    Machine Gun Turret: x2

    Battle Rifle: x12
    Assault Rifle: x4
    Covenant Carbine: x4
    Shotgun: x2
    Brute Shot: x2
    Sniper Rifle: x2
    SMG: x4
    Plasma Pistol: x2
    Needler: x1
    Missile Pod: x2
    Spartan Laser: x1
    Rocket Launcher: x2

    Fragmentation Grenades: x4
    Plasma Grenades: x8
    Power Drain: x2
    Bubble Shield: x2
    Regenerator: x2
    Trip Mine: x2
    Overshields: x1


    YouTube- Luminary Halo 3 Map










    Action Shots:





    Special Thanks To:


    Legit Pencil
    JerZ Phenom
    Mista Tipsta
    Xang Yang
    Get Kanyed
    o Youtuber o
    map help (weapons, balancing, spawns):

    Silly Box Cat
    Rifte Gifle
    Many Popes
    SangGold Junior

    My greatest thanks is to Skull Happy, whom inspred me to make this kind of map.

    Still confused about the large central bridge? Here are a few Q&A's about the map:
    Discussion between Homethearmless and Loscocco:

    Homethearmless: What is that?
    Loscocco: That is a large central bridge.
    Homethearmless: What does it do?
    Loscocco: It acts as a large central bridge.
    Homethearmless: Why did you make it?
    Loscocco: So the map would have a large central bridge.
    Homethearmless: How does it compare to other maps?
    Loscocco: Well, unlike most other maps, this map has a large central bridge.
    Homethearmless: What kind of weapons does it support?
    Loscocco: Well, there is a spartan laser on the large central bridge, there is a mongoose under the large central bridge and there are many weapons and bases located around the large central bridge.
    Homethearmless: ...what does it do?
    Loscocco: It is a large central...
    #1 Loscocco, Apr 18, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2010
  2. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    When less and less people play Halo anymore, why are people making bigger Halo maps?

    While this does certainly look beast, I can imagine it a living nightmare to have to walk the map without a Warthog. I cannot say anything beyond that until I download it, but must I say it is looking rather beast indeed...
  3. Xang

    Xang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This was a very fun map to play with you guys. I really liked the fact that you had the freedom to go where ever you want but at times it could get annoying just because of the fact that you dont always have a vehicle, and when you dont have a vehicle you basically have to walk for a little while. The man cannons helped fill that void of emptiness and lead to quicker transportation, so that was good. There could have been more things in certain areas but I remember you saying that you didnt have the budget, or something like that... Either way it is a great map to play, I havent seen anything like it.
  4. TheKingOfCrash7

    TheKingOfCrash7 Ancient

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    Looks like fun... if u have 11 friends on to play with. I can see how people would get real pissed if they spawn way out on one of those bases and there is no vehicle to drive to middle with. And I pray there is no sniper on this map because that center structure looks like a damn nest that would be impossible to get someone out of. But I do like the idea of the map. Its rare to see maps made in the middle floor and especially to this extreme scale. By the way that video did nothing to explain the map, it was just a bunch of trashy action shots.
  5. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    Lol... in the first pic, the tower thing is tilting XD
    This map is freaken huge. No weapons list? grrr Is there a sniper? If there is, then thats the downside. The huge catwalk is just waiting for a sniper to camp on. I would hate to spawn then have to walk all the way to the middle then die. Can we see an overview?
  6. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    this map is huuuuuge it looks really neatly forged and has some interesting structures. the sad thing is i wont be able to play it because non of my friends play halo alot anymore :( Could you add a weapons list please. I would also suggest adding mongooses to the bases and possibly a bansee to the middle would be good. It has some rough adges but overall it is great. 8.5/10
  7. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I absolutely love how you used the corner tubes as ramps. This map is huge and gives a whole lot of freedom. This is almost, if not, featured material.
  8. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There is a mongoose in each base and one in the middle. Each base has enough vehicles to fit an entire team into (in an even teamed game). I suppose no one saw the back of the base so here it is:


    Also. I added a weapons list. Yes there is a sniper, but it isn't very overpowering and camping the middle has never been a problem in testing because there are multiple ways to hit them: two ways on the sides, two ways to hit them from the ramps that go up to the middle and you can also do what some people did in testing, run down the bridge with a Warthog, the people up there are nearly helpless and can either jump down or get splattered/chaingunned.

    Other than that, thanks for the good review everyone.
  9. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Who stayed on my faithful team? It sure wasn't Multi. :p

    I can't really judge gameplay much because our game turned into a 15 v 3 or something like that. It was nicely forged and I liked how you added plenty of ways to get across the huge expanse faster.
  10. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    "EVERYONE KILL ACE" ****ing awesome game, especially when I drove off the dune and landed on Youtuber :D

    I honestly could almost suggest making a new gametype for this that involved faster momevement. With incredibly long LOS throughout the map, even the BR as starting weapon didn't feel right, and by the time I reached the middle of the map I was usually already dead. Still though, really big maps aren't my cup of tea, and aside from those few things I found the overall middle area of the map to be fun to play on, though the bridge towering over the map can turn to be a bit unfair.

    I know you didn't have the budget and it's a shame the map was not budget glitched, but personally I thought this map would have been better suited for vehicle gameplay (e.g tanks, banshees, anything to make it seem more like a "heavy map").
    #10 Rifte, Apr 19, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2010
  11. Ferocious Leaf

    Ferocious Leaf Ancient

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    i definitesly agree with rifte, a heavy variant of this would be awesome. i mean, just look at sandtrap: normal = meh, hassle if you don't have a vehichle, heavy = FUN! rockets and lazers and gauss hogs oh my! other tham that, i like the design and the way you made the whole center of sandboz binto basically a center structure, i may have to steal that idea of having the bases extend into the dunes for a new map i'm making... nice job though. looks good.
  12. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    These are the first things that came to my mind too lol. I just thought my sense of perspective was just ****ed up lol. But yeah, everyone of the testers sound like that had loads of fun. I wish I could have been there. And yeah this map looks really well forged but what really attracts my attention is the middle structure. It reminds me of this idea I had back in the day when Foundry first came out. Of course it wouldn't have looked as cool due to lack of knowledge and supplies. Anywhoo, great job on the map.
  13. HomeTheArmless v2

    Senior Member

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    This map looks great; the forging is simply phenomenal. The gameplay looks promising as well, however there are concerns about the hassle of travelling on foot without the aid of vehicular transport. Regardless, judging from other reviewers and my own experiences with the map, it is safe to say that is well worth your time to download and play this gem.

    Or it would be, but I fear you have neglected to go into much detail on the Large Central Bridge, and thus, I hate it. **** you, guy.

    (Lol, I hope I don't get banned.)
  14. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well the travel is pretty quick. I know that it is longer than most map travels, but the man cannon next to the base takes a player into the area of the map that the towers shine light on. Other than that, thanks!

    Let me answer a few Q&A's about the bridge structure:

    Discussion between Homethearmless and Loscocco:

    Homethearmless: What is that?
    Loscocco: That is a large central bridge.
    Homethearmless: What does it do?
    Loscocco: It acts as a large central bridge.
    Homethearmless: Why did you make it?
    Loscocco: So the map would have a large central bridge.
    Homethearmless: How does it compare to other maps?
    Loscocco: Well, unlike most other maps, this map has a large central bridge.
    Homethearmless: What kind of weapons does it support?
    Loscocco: Well, there is a spartan laser on the large central bridge, there is a mongoose under the large central bridge and there are many weapons and bases located around the large central bridge.
    Homethearmless: ...what does it do?
    Loscocco: It is a large central...
  15. CryptoKnight

    CryptoKnight Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ahhhhhh nice map, exceeelent. why didn't you invite me? i told you to, i really wanted to see this. and you lucky bastard. how did you get Reach early? expect me to play with you when i can.
  16. E inglourious 3

    E inglourious 3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Two ways to solve the issue of walking- lifts or teleporters, or more mongooses. Just saying, it is not a tricky fix. The problem is not the start, but the respawn, unless more spawns are elsewhere.

    I also would like less pesky details, and more information about that bridge...
    Question: -Whats the bridge's name?
  17. forgenarb

    forgenarb Ancient

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    i like the fact that, unlike most maps, this map has a large central bridge

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