Alright so im a Junior in high school,in my mass media class there is this freshman(im not gonna put names) who always gets bullied by the seniors and juniors.I never make fun of people usually I just laugh(Ive been bullied in middle school and i know how it feels but I stood up for my self and but by the end of 8th and coming into high school nobody messed with me). So usually what they do they call him gay,ugly,badger(they think he looks like one),they threaten to beat him up etc. Now this kid did nothing to deserve what they do to him,the ****ed up thing is the teacher even laughs at him and does nothing to stop this bullying. So usually I would laugh at everything becuase its funny,but today they just took it too far,the senior in my class comes right up to the freshman slaps,and punches him then sits down,we had a substitute so the senior took advantage of this,when they turned the lights out to watch the movie,the senior took pieces of paper put it in his mouth then threw them at the freshman's face,then he like hacked up all this snot put the paper in his mouth then threw it at the freshman(like I said in my head this is wrong,its not funny at all anymore. They also made various threats to the freshman like "jump at me you will be swallowing your teeth",then the freshman goes in his backpack to get a notebook out and one senior says "o no he is reaching for his gun" at that point I couldnt take watching this anymore so I went put some headphones on and played on the Mac and I thought to myself these kids weren't kidding about the things they said to the freshman and they didn't care that people have killed others and their self because of things they have done. I'm sorry for the wall of text and grammar i know its atrocious but Im not writing this for a grade or evaluation im writing this for advice,I just have a feeling something bad will happen in the future if this bullying continues
No I dont think so he doesnt tell anyone. He is actually big for a freshman says he can bench 180,I really dont know why people bully him at all.
Talk to the seniors after you report them, tell them that if they tease him about wanting to kill them enough that he may do it. If this kid is able to bench 180 pounds as a freshman he really isn't someone to mess with, but I guess he's like me(I can bench 225 and I weigh 185) he just doesn't stand up for himself and goes with the flow, those losers have learned they can take their frustrations out on this guy because he doesn't fight back. If they get crap for it they'll back off pretty quick. (Also I've studied some fighting strategies and the human body through the text books my instructor at a hospital left out for me to see, if it doesn't stop tell him that if the kid slaps him again he should grab his hand, then twist his weight to bend the guys arm against the elbow backwards to hyper extend/break it(It really doesn't take much) that kid will run with his tail between his knees, and whats he gonna say to anyone who asks how he got hurt, he went to slap a random guy and he grabbed and fell on his arm?
Get a PC, dude. But seriously, at my school we have a "FYI Constable Ty" Box, where it's a completely anonymous way to report things happening around the school. If you can't do that, just try to get some help for him from a teacher, and they will direct you to the principal.
It's a shame... Definitely report them, or take action... But think about if any consequences are worth it. If you think it'll get ugly, Report it first, but let them know EVERYTHING about the situation in exact detail. They'll be more likely to take action somehow, but not if you just say "Hey Todd is Bullying Little Jimmy over there, we should do somthin' 'bout that."
Have you ever thought to yourself, "maybe I should just stand up and punch that asshole senior in the nose"? I mean, my god, you're getting on forgehub to ask for advice? What do we need to tell you that you shouldn't have already done? Punch the mother ****er in the mouth, the teacher will break it up, the senior will hold a grudge (for 5 more weeks til schools out) and then what? I'll tell you, ****ING NOTHING. You get a free hit and moral superiority. Take an OSS or ISS or what-the-****-ever. Its just highschool for Christ sake.
I am glad that so many people agree with my suggestion. However, I am not surprised. You gotta do what you gotta do, regardless of the consequences.
Damn freshmen, I broke my paddle because of one. But in all seriousness though, I hung out with my friend a few times that went to another school who had a student kill herself over the bullying. I wish I helped. I would say those girls will not be in your life in the future and will have their lives depend on others while she is off happy. You really have to step up and do something now or else you will regret it when it's too late. Plus, if something does go wrong, the seniors will graduate in a few weeks depending on your school, 2 months because my school is ran by nazis. I'm guilty too though, theres this freshman in my class who looks like hes in the first grade. Me and 4 other juniors just do good/bad ol' freshman bullying. I think I should stop though, its just that he laughs with us so I hope he isn't taking it all in. To the point, stopping bullying is always the right and more respectable thing to do and can go a long way. Yeah sounds just like me too, just gotta say one day shut the **** up and (this is what I did, do not recommend it) kick some punk ass.
Whispers right. Your a lucky guy. You've been presented a situation where it's morally correct for you to get involved and bash some skulls. You need to do it.
I'mtrying to stay out of trouble not get in it everybody thinks im good kid I am. I haven't been in trouble in forever if I did this it would be such as surprise,everybody knows me to defend myself not attack others ,plus i know these kids im friends with one(not best friends though but they feel they can trust me) the other one is not my friend but we get along. I just don't agree with what they were doing to this kid,if i was to punch this senior,they would be like "Dude why would you do that oww",and a chain reaction would start everybody who likes me would hate me,everybody who hates me will hate me more. Put everybody's hate on yourself and take it off of somebody else i dont know. the teacher is a female teacher with 4 kids she wont break anything up she will cry!!! violence can solve problems but not that well, i will think of something to resolve this I may just have a mature conversation with them they will understand,if not then i will take another action i just dont know right now though.
People who pick on others are not going to listen to a logical conversation. They will shrug it off and continue to do what they do seeing if you will do anything. They feed on misery of others. Doing so will just make yourself a target. If you want to judge these kids then pick up your desk and throw it at him. If you hit him and don't knock the wind out of him, be prepared for a fight. If you hit him and knock him out, its better for you. If you miss, he'll still think your crazy and leave you alone. If people think your crazy, they will not bother you. I don't condone this sort of thing, but I've had experiences were I've kicked the snot out of another kid.