Is this the right section for forum games? If not, then feel free to move/lock. Basically, just post funny "facts" about Halo you've found. 1) 90% of players in Team Throwback are Generals, whilst only 50% are good Generals. 2) There are at least two players and at least 4 grenades within the Snowbound shotgun cave at any given time. 3) Prowlers are more often used as battering rams than as warthog replacements. Its-a-fun!
MLG FFA is whored by good Generals. The beam rifle is the 'cheap' alternative to the sniper rifle. Grif(ball) is gay (without betrayal booting). CaMp1NG R TEH L3g1tZ MLG T4C71CZ 15% of the people who play in Social Slayer are under 9 years old and suck ass. The 'How much did your 50 cost' screenshot is on at least 1000 fileshares.
Not true. Today me and friend were playing HLG on Snowbound and we never went in the shotgun room. At least 1 person quits during every game of Social Big Team.
Social Big Team is a playlist. Anyway, 99% of players on Halo are extreme tryhards against mongoosers. The 1% who aren't tryhards are the 'goosers themselves.
Right now there is at least 100 little kids messaging well known players for recon. Grifball does NOT suck.
1) These MLG pro 50's always start arguments when you wreck them. 2) One sided anything is lame as hell. 3) Most Generals buy their 50's so it don't matter how many there are.
Incorrect sir, this is my first account ever (I no longer play it) and i got a invincible in Multi team without a vehicle I used weapons the whole time. : Halo 3 Career Stats Fact: Most of these facts are not true because they have nothing to back them up.
YouTube - Halo 3: TEAMHEADKICK's Splatter Spree Glitch (Gameplay Glitch) Fact: this video is awesome and hasn't been discovered by the eight year olds.
I did that on high ground one time. Almost got a perfection in that game, but in the last 30 seconds a rocket hit me.
. A lot of people don't know that you can shoot through the middle of a deployable cover . only one in one hundred people use EOD helmet. . Using a mic in matchmaking lowers your concentration, thus lowering your score. . When a flare is thrown at you, you not only are blinded, but you die a little inside.
I would say maybe 10% have it. Ive seen only like 4 or 5 other people with recon since ODST came out.
Really? Ive seen close to 100 people who have recon. And also some people who have recon might not have it on.
The only important thing is if you had Recon before ODST came out. When a little kid is playing, most people plug their mics in and proceed to talk **** to him. Recon is no longer valuable. Katana>Recon