*Removed* (For Stealing) To see the real Knife Project: Leekegan Halo Reach Predator Knife - 405th Mjolnir Armor - Halo Costuming and Prop Site
Haha, my brother actually noticed it was Emile's knife. It's pretty sweet looking! Are you gonna paint it or something?
I am 100% sure that is LeeKegans Knife from the 405th... He posted the same pictures...like THE SAME ones...that HE made....not u.
Leekegan Halo Reach Predator Knife - 405th Mjolnir Armor - Halo Costuming and Prop Site Other projects of his: All posts by LeeKegan[forums]=1&view_by_title=1 That is not cool, man. That is not cool at all.
Son, I am disappoint. I hoped I would never have to see another ripper in this forum. There's no way you're leekegan, so dont even try. He's well known for creating props with wood. You aren't. And he's 44. You aren't. Reported. You don't belong in this forum. I HATE rippers.
Shanked! I mean locked...Sorry I got caught in the moment! Don't try this again...ever...FH knows EVERYTHING!