What originally was going to be a tri-forge with MetaWaddleDee, Noxiw, and me, turned into a solo forge by me. If you remember those few buildings from my massive map dump preview, that's what this is, only finished. It plays CTF and Team Slayer. Yes, it is budget-glitched out the ass. Yes, I have one item left.
Yay First post. Anyways did you make the whole map by yourself? Because it looks really as nice as if all three of you have worked on it.
Woah! don't take our names out completely! I know we didn't do much, but you could at least say we helped at times... And I "Boo" at the name.
I was going to say the same thing! But anyways, are you just previewing the map, or do you want us to want us to critique what we see for last minute adjustments? If it's the latter, then I would suggest posting a few more screenies [partially because I want a better look at its cool structures ]
I made most of it by myself, but Noxy and Meta forged a couple things and gave advice on the whole thing. Dun worry gui. It's gun be k. But really, do you really think I wouldn't give you guys any credit at all? Of course you'll get credit, just not complete co-forge credit. I am just previewing the map, though I hope to have it finished and posted by the beginning of May.
Ooooh nice modern city feel. Idk about the open structure in the middle, but cant say till i test it. gj