YouTube- Sandtrap remade it is a remake of sandtrap note- in the vid there r no weps or vehicles but they are there now download here plz id like any replies
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There's one critical error: The side of the central structure that was originally buried by sand should be like the exposed other side; stone outcroppings in Sandtrap suggest that the central structure is symmetrical, and should be represented as such in any re-make. Other than that, doesn't seem too shabby. -=Moxus=-
yeah agreed their, it does look really good though. Just some sprucing up with ghost merge and maybe making it less tall so you can make both sides symmetrical.
ya i would of made the other side the same but i ran out of blocks...dumb reason but i dont feel like tring to get the tall bocks to look right btw were do all u guys get the sic sig pics just wondering
Not going to lie, the music made me not watch the video. However, it does look like a half-way decent remake. I'll check it out and get back to you.
This looks pretty good, but shouldnt this be an asthsetic map? How are you suppose to get on the main structures? Some parts of the map could use some interlocking. And you can get a sig at the G&A section. (Fourms) You can request it or go to a sig shop.
thx turtle noxiw~that was the only good song i could find on the utube audio swap on cuz my other song was against copy right law u can get on the get on the long structre and there is nothing on the large one for u to need to get to. i dont think it should be a asthetic because i made it to play slayer and other game types on
lol same here. About the map... We know that there are no weapons on the structures, but we wanna get up there so there is some elevation change. I'd make everything shorter so u can reach the the tops of structures like in sandtrap (or maybe we should just stick with sandtrap? I dont get why people remake H3 maps when they're on the game...)
i made it for my friends utube movie thing lol not rly into that stuff so if anyone with the power to move it thinks i should be in aesthetic feel free idc i think i might make it a little shorter so ppl can get on it --- question....what is interlocking and how do i do it
it doesn't matter if there is nothing on the structure, you should be able to access it as a part of the flow. The map is decent but why remake a map already on the game.
First of all the song in the video was just terrible. Second of all, I don't see why we need a remake of sandtrap when it's already in Halo 3. I could just go on Sandtrap anyway. Ok, well I've had my rant let me go on about the map. Well basically the structures are appalingly put together. Bumps are everywhere and the two gravity lifts are just grav lifts thrown under a few upright double boxes. Everything about this map is terrible, the concept, the execution and final thing. My advice for improvement would be spend a lot more time learning forge tricks (merging, ghost merging etc) they will make forging much more fun for you are spare us having to bump up 4 feet in the air with each stride.