To get the legendary achievement, do you have to complete the whole game (on legendary) either on co-op or single player or can it be mixed? (eg, first half done co-op, second half done single player). I was wondering because I'm completing legendary on a second account and its live ran out, so I can't play co-op over live. I'm halfway through it on co-op. If I can't mix it, ill just play splitscreen with my normal account.
Each mission counts individually into your total, next time you have a chance, load each mission up, it shows whether you have done it in legendary or co op. You can do it mixed.
Yeah, there's no problem at all if you do both. I did the first half alone and the second on co-op. It really doesn't matter. The only thing that does is you completing all them levels!
No, it doesn't matter if it is mixed. I did a mix of Co-op and single player for Heroic and I still got the achievement.
you can do it mixed. but one night me and friends got together and did 4 player online co-op. VERY FUN!
thats what i did i think. but i know i have beaten it on legendary.. and it doesnt show up on my profile. it does in the game.. idk what it is
You need to have all of it done on eather solo or co-op and they dont have to be in order eather what you can do is go to the screen and scroll down for each level, if they all have the legendary symbol ur good
You can do it mixed. BTW if your having troubles sign a guest in and use him as a safe respawn keep him away from the combat so that if you die you don't restart
Ok, I did it mixed. It worked. End of story. Thanks to all. BTW, it wasn't that fact that I had difficulties doing it solo (I did solo legendary with 4 gold skulls on on my main), it was that I couldn't be bothered repeating levels or having splitscreen with myself.