Hello FH and welcome to the glory that is my industrial map pack. This map pack contains 3 maps of witch i have spent the past 3 weeks working on. they are all meant to take place in different 3 industry's. Oil, Shipping and Processing. This abandon oil drilling platform has now become the scene of great battles over watched by the still operational security cameras. _______________________________________________ This private shipping companies docks were never intended for the war that they are now used for. _______________________________________________ This factory roof in the middle of Old Mombasa's industrial sector used to be surrounded by smoke now it is only surrounded by blood. WEAPON SETS PLATFORM 136 1-needler 2-plasma pistols 1-assault rifle 2-battle rifles 3-smgs 1-sniper rifle 2-spiker PRIVATE DOCKING 2-magnum 1-battle rifle 3-smg's 1-sniper rifle 3-spikers 2-maulers 1-Over Shield STACKS 1-assault rifle 2-battle rifles 2-smgs 3-spikers 4-plasma rifles 1-mauler 1-flamethrower DL LINKS (IN CASED YOU MISSED THEM)
All 3 are great maps but most of the merging in the pictures are just a slightly of position it doesn’t matter but just something to keep on your mind for v2 if your going to make it. It will make it easy for us if you put in a weapon list for all three maps so we can get a general idea of how game play may be affected. PLATFORM 136 Overall it looks pretty nice but all you really need to do is clean up your merging and if you want colour all the boxes the same. PRIVATE BLOCKER Same goes to here some of your merging is just a bit off but i really do love how you have used the water as a death pit if you fall in very nice job on this map. STACKS Your merging if very slightly off but it doesn’t really matter in this map it looks pretty kick-ass, you will just have to change the tele doors if I am right? Just straighten up the doors a bit
Amazing with an A ( capital a). Like Penguin said the merging is slightly off, but I think platform 136 is the best forged map I have seen on Blackout. I still havent played on any of the maps but I intend to tonight! Can infection be played on these maps?
Instead of doing a review for all three I decided to do a review on my favorite of the three, private blocker. Im mainly a big fan strictly of this map because of just how original it is, from what I can tell it only uses the very bottom part of the actual Longshore map and the rest is completely original. Great Job!
I saw Private Docking in your map preview and I really like how you expanded it. When it comes to the outer wall (behind the shed there, however, it seems that since nothing is actually behind it that could be removed keeping only a wall for the back of the shed, and the extra pieces could be used to expand the map. Some underwater platforms would also be fun so people could hide underwater. Anyways great maps and could you add weapon lists (and overview for the last two maps).
The longshore map (the name has to do with docks or something) looks like a pretty original idea. Add a list of weapon sets and this becomes a quality post. I really like theideas on all the maps but as everyone else said they could be touched up a bit...
I really like that Private Docking map. It feels a lot like a dock that creeps me out. The rest of the maps are pretty good but the merging is oh so slightly off.