Sandbox Xenolith

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Hadokenchild, Apr 11, 2010.

  1. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Name:

    Map Canvas:

    Map Size:

    Player Count:

    Supported Gametypes:
    All standard gametypes, Multi-team Slayer/Oddball/Territories/KOTH/Juggernaut/VIP



    - Made for the Monitorbuilt Aesthetic Contest (WINNER!), and the XForgery Multi-Team Contest (WINNER!).

    - Inspired by the campaign level Two Betrayals from Halo : Combat Evolved and the maps Warlock, Foundation, and Midship.

    This map has been in my forge sessions for far too long. What started as an homage to the original Halo in conquest form, became a ever present blight on my nerves. Marred with setback after setback, I damn near quit the map entirely. But I had spent so much time on it already that I felt had to at least see it through to the end. I blame myself for making things so much harder than they ever needed to be. My ambitions were just too unrealistic and ended up wasting a lot of my time. Nevertheless I scrapped the original map entirely and recreated it in crypt. I had to learn how to ghost merge to make things work the way I had them built in skybubble. That also proved to be a truly aggravating glitch to get right. I would take me on average 8 attempts before I got a no-clip object. Seemingly endless bouts of trial and error coupled with lack of sleep nearly caused me to embed my controller into my tv. The problem was I never planned out anything on this map. No drawings, no sketch up, nothing. I just made things up as I went along. I guess it's a sort of puzzle game I get myself into. "You've made this piece, now make a map out of it." I've been doing things that way since I made Nexus for a contest that required you to finish a pre-existing map. So at the time I thought "Nobody is doing symmetrical multiteam so why the hell not?". Am I happy with it? After a handfull of playtests and user feedback I'd say I'm satisfied enough to let others download it. I still think there's room to improve because I only really got 3 good games on it yet those played very well. Anyhow, I've rambled long enough here, let's get to the details shall we?

    BR - 10 - 10 sec - 2 clips
    Carbine - 2 - 45 sec - 1 clip
    Sniper - 2 - 150 sec - 1 clip
    Shotgun - 2 - 90 sec - 0 clip
    Plasma Pistol - 2 - 90
    Plasma Rifle - 2 - 30 sec
    Magnum - 2 - 30 sec - 2 clips
    Spiker - 2 - 20 sec - 2 clips
    SMG - 2 - 20 sec - 2 clips
    Rockets - 1 - 150 sec - 1 clip
    Needler - 2 - 60 sec - 2 clips

    Plasma Grenades - 8 - 10 sec

    Power drain - 2 - 150 sec
    Bubble Sheild - 2 - 150 sec








    Red/Blue are aesthetically colored, Purple and Gold have minor distinguishable traits.

    Rocket spawn

    Sniper spawn (position alternates with Needler around the map)

    Lower areas



    Thanks to all the testers and supporters. You giez wuz awsum!!!
    #1 Hadokenchild, Apr 11, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2010
    Given To Fly likes this.
  2. RageQuit

    RageQuit Ancient

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    OMG Hadokenchild has come back with another amazing map! :O
    The middle is ma FAV! That center structure is Siiiiick yo! I just cant say anything else. Too beautiful ;)
  3. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    I just finished playing this map :D

    It is a really great map and it looks just as good as it plays. I really like the center structure, I know for a fact that I have never seen it done before. My only question is why would you get a seizure if you play split screen? lol
  4. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    This is a budget glitched map. There's so many objects that when playing splitscreen will cause the map to violently flicker to a point it's almost unplayable. I was advised to put a warning up as a public service lol.

    Anyhow I'm glad you like it.=D
  5. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    This map truly is a palm tree in a desert of cacti, a butterfly in a room of moths, a sock with places for the toes, in a drawer of regular white socks...
    I should probably give up on ever having any good analogies, but I believe I get the point across. The map is just the most aesthetically pleasing thing I've seen in ages, and the few games I've gotten to be a part of were very fun.

    To any people doubting the map, download it, just do it. PEER-PRESURE!
    (Although I'll doubt anyone actually is doubting this, I'd bet my toe-socks.)
  6. Benjimino234

    Benjimino234 Ancient

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    Awesome base and center structure! (I might have to steal you base design :surprise:)

    I'll download it and have a game on it, if I can. Dammit, need more custom game friends. But anyway it looks amazing.
  7. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Best center peice EVAAAR I'm loving this map and it looks to play amazingly
  8. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks jaw dropping! I'm checking it out now, don't disappoint me!

    I like it a lot, I'm keeping this one my hard drive
    #8 DMM White, Apr 12, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2010
  9. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    I was wondering when you would post this on Forgehub.

    I will gladly copy and paste my comment;

  10. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hmmmm....this looks I've read it somewhere before....;)

    Thanks Urban, you've always been a huge supporter. Of course it wasn't good enough to beat Paradigm in feature votes (I call shenanigans!!;)). I can't wait to see the results from this coming weekend's SnS since I can't attend:(
  11. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
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    I haven't tested the map yet, and so cannot attest to game-play, but Xenolith looks fantastic. It's the most accurate mimic of Forerunner style I've seen in any map so far on Forgehub. You've done an exceptional job of merging the various inspirational levels together in a cohesive, and what appears to be functional, way.

    Really exceptional job. Can't wait to see more.

  12. elondor

    elondor Ancient
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    You never cease to amaze me with the new designs you come up with. In short, the beautiful aesthetics of the map have a major impact on my girth resulting in a tent-like effect on my pants.

    You called shenanigans? Get my broom!
  13. TheKingOfCrash7

    TheKingOfCrash7 Ancient

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    Let me start by saying, DAAAMMMMNNNN...
    At first ur blown away aesthetically but then you realize how well the nice and pretty structures actually influence gameplay (ie the badass center structure = line of sight blocker so sniper doesnt poop on everyone). I am downloading this and giving it 5/5 without even playing it. I can tell that this map will make for fun customs becuz its not small but not big and open. U dont necessarily need 4v4 teams to play it, FFA will work just fine. I wish I could think of boss map ideas like this precious toe-sock of a map lol.
  14. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    I appreciate the fact you like the looks, but for future reference don't do this please. Always make sure you have put some time in on a map before dropping a rating on it, especially a perfect one.

    Now that I'm done scolding you;) you're right, it plays FFA and 2 team non-objective games fine. It's just that this was made for multi-team and I never got any real testing done for objectives. Thanks again.
  15. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Ancient

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    as beautifully forged and amazing this map looks, i still have a problem with it. i am sooooo sick of seeing the basic 4-base layout idea. everyone uses it and it's so annoying to keep see this design; however, admittedly, i must say this is the best 4-base design i've ever seen. the center structure is amazing. the bases were beautifully crafted, and the rest fits together perfectly. i just think that maybe you should have done something to it that made it different from the "4-base" structure layout i was talking about.
  16. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    I can understand your frustration. I'm sure quad-symmetrical maps are just as bland and unoriginal as urban maps, cave maps, Lockout/Guardian style maps, and using tin cups for grass. It loses its appeal after the fifteenth one. I just went with this design for the contests I submitted it to. I've never liked how most maps that use multi-team have them completely unbalanced as attackers and defenders have solid, well thought out base designs, while either teams 3 or 4 are stuck behind a crate in a corner or alone out on an elbow somewhere. It really isn't fair for those teams. So to me a quad-symmetric map made the most sense. However, I'm glad to know that it has at least proven itself worthy to you among other similar maps, and I really do appreciate that. Get some games on it and let me know what you think:).
  17. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
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    I remember testing this map with you guys.

    Anyway, the map is great no doubt.
  18. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well I will not lie to you. I havent played it, and most likely never will. I have a 6 month old baby and a job that works me to death. Then add in the time I must spend loving my wife, its hard to get on at the same time as enough people to play a custom game and actually play it. Growing up is tuff. But I will say this...

    This is one of the most creative map designs I have ever seen, EVER. I love that center structure and the base design is awesome. I love technical yet beautiful base designs and you sir have nailed it on the spot. I am going to DL this and probably walk around it with drool pouring out of my mouth. You have a very creative mind and apparently have equal patience to rebuild it in the crypt, if I read right.

    If this plays anything close to the way it looks, I would be watching the front pages in the near future because there is no way this bad boy can be turned down. I hope it plays well, cuz it would be dissappointing for this to go away like that.
  19. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    I know the pressures of fatherhood all too well, so I completely understand what you're going through right now. It's amazing, exciting, confusing, and terrifying. It'll be the greatest experience of your life, and will turn your hair gray by the time the kid is 3 lol. Good luck to ya, good fathers are needed more than we know.

    Thanks for the thread review. Even tho you've yet to get some time on it I do appreciate the positive feedback, especially coming form someone as tenured as yourself. Yes, I had a nearly finished version originally in sky bubble. I had a preview thread here for it when it was still early in development. I was really disappointed I wasn't able to finish it due to the item limit (yes Adelyss you told me so) because the gloomy filter just made the center aesthetics look so much better than what I pulled off in crypt. I just loved the structure too much I guess.

    As far as gameplay goes, I've heaard nothing but positives so far. I've even had several people suggest I overhaul it for MLG support (currently underway;)). It probably isn't going to be great for objectives since my time testing was limited due to contest deadlines, but it plays slayer variants, KOTH, and Oddball well. In fact, I've updated the original post with links to the contest results. But yeah, if you have some down time (I know it'll be hard) get a game or two in and let me know what you think.

    Thanks again and congrats on being a dad!
  20. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    excellent design, and the architecture is well thought out, throw in a few pieces of cover and i think it could make a decent MLG gametype map.
    good job.

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