The picture in the spoiler below (also in the original post) shows dirt on the armour, which may not sounds very exiciting but it'll be a nice touch for all those who enjoy taking screenshots. Spoiler
43162808! It's a secret code! And along with the dirt you also have the new look of the objective territories that would also provide for a nice effect.
I really like the new territory look which will probably improve visiblity of both the territory and people inside it. Also looking at the height of the first picture with the jetpacks, one can only assume since their jetpacks have ceased firing this would be the maximum height atainable with these. That still could be a problem for making maps unbreakable, but might help with allowing attackers a way to breach defences.
I don't think its that it is the maximum height. I think the jetpacks turn off when you are assassinating cause that looks to be like the assassination move. Also I believe you can control how high you want to go and the direction too.
Think of a whole team with jetpacks and a map like high ground. The team rushes, all jump the wall, and totally rape.
I have a feeling jet packs have a limit. I just hope that in customs you can control the ability to use loadouts and armor abilities(And assign them, ie: team 1 gets jetpacks, team 2 gets sprint, or infected get sprint, survivors get bubble shield one.) Also, forcing a side to be elites would be great too.
turning off the jetpack for the assassination would make sense but notice the jetpack users are higher than most of the visible walls around the map so there will either be a plethora of invisible walls, or some positions on the map that can only be reached by jetpack. The last picture also makes me sad because it appears to have bullet lag, I hope thats not true.