
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by mooman219, Apr 17, 2010.

  1. mooman219

    mooman219 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    By Mooman219
    Gametype: We Still live
    Type: Infection
    Players: 4+
    Map Size: Large
    Goal: Survive 7 minutes
    Map Backround:
    Hay people, I wanted to include a quick story on how this map came to be.
    The name: Irondequoit is a odd name no doubt. So how did it get there? Well I wasn’t always sure what to name my map. First I wanted to call it Mombasa because that sounded like a good halo city name, but that was to common. Then the next name I was going to name it was, Rochester. It sounded like the perfect name because its original and it relates to me for the reason that I live near the city of Rochester. But again, I wanted to go deeper then that, so I picked Irondequoit. I live in the town of Irondequoit and I know for a fact, that name has never been used.

    The Layout: Like most maps I make, I borrow ideas from other people (Lol). But I make them different in my own way. I looked at ODST and I wanted to make a city like environment. So I looked for city maps already made. I can’t remember the name off the top of my head but there were 9 buildings placed perfectly apart from each other and one of them was broken. I liked how all the buildings were ones you can enter and not just for show. But I hated how it was on a grid of 9 by 9. I took notes on this. So I drew a basic layout of minor streets and major roads in my map to be. And just dropped buildings in to fit my layout. It didn’t fit the map 100% so I fudged a little. I put a graveyard and some pillars in to fill space. But it ended up looking nice,
    The Gametype: The name We Still live, was just something that sounded like it fit. When you play the map, it says “We still live on Irondequoit”. And I lived all my life here so I liked it. There isn’t really much to say about this one. I made zombies harder to kill, so it forces ammo to be used in creative ways. And zombies don’t kill in one hit. That sounds stupid to have instant kill on either side. Zombies will have to be stealthy to get a kill. 3 hits for normal zombies, 2 hits for speed zombies (to kill a human). But being a fast zombies isn’t always great, you die twice as fast. It is a nice tradeoff though when the humans run out of ammo. A single melee on a zombie will not kill it. So no more “Super Mans”, This is more tactile.
    Timed Events: Buildings get boarded up, new weapons spawn, vehicles fall in, zombies get power ups, different types of zombies come into play. Good luck surviving the seven minutes.
    Life is just as normal as it always is in the small town of Irondequoit and you and your friends get to enjoy the out doors. You pass a police scene at your neighbors house while your on your way to play baseball in the park. Seems she went missing. It doesn’t bother you and your friends as she didn’t come out much. But As the day progresses, more and more start to just disappear like they where never there. While you where in the park, the world you once lived in seems to never of existed. On your way home, You and your friends go inside to eat. Lights left on, the TV set on fuzz, Fans still blowing, But no living thing. Instantly, all of you come back out to check with each other. “Are they just playing a trick on us, or a party we missed?“ You’re going to have to find that out as night approaches.


    Download Irondequoit v2
    Download We Still live
    Q) Why put this in?
    A) It’s simple, it gives to a reason to explore the map, and find secrets that you probably would never find on your own, and to give a basic understanding of how to play..

    “Necrophilia” {T-Bag a Zombie}
    “Gold Sticker 4 U” {Kill a zombie}
    “GTFO” {Steal a weapon From a home}
    “Boom, Headshot” {Up two flights at the tallest building to earn a fully loaded surprise}
    “Click….BLAM” {the vehicle checking station may be something else to the military}
    “Let it burn, o let it burn” {visit the kitchen of the burger bar, and get the flaming sauce}
    “No Smoking” {Kill a zombie with a gas station explosion}
    -----Hard: (Only After 3 Hours Past)
    “Combustible” {Gas Can do Much more then fill a car}
    “Military Upgrade” {the vehicle checking station’s Newest addition}
    “Tradeoff” {The Stone pillar Behold the most powerful weapon, but you must take it from him.}
    “Champion” {Survive All 7 Hours}
    “You’re Nuts” {Steal from the saw mill, and yes this is in the hard one}
    “Alien Ware” {The Beam that boils the minds of the undead. Fully Loaded. Find me at the darkest corner of I-Town.}
    “That’s Wrong” {T-Bag a Human}
    “Adding to the Cause” {Infect a Human}
    “Upgrade?” {The Yellow orb doesn’t help the living}
    “Surprise!” {Assonate a human}
    “Airborne” {Use multi floor building to your advantage}
    “End Of Life” {Kill All Humans}
    “Green Death” {Plasma pistol a Human To death, And yes it’s possible}

    -----------------Also, please post suggestions. And give me credit!-----------------------------
    Recent Edit's Box-----------This Changes A Lot-------------------------------------------------
    1) Screen Shots Fixed to the point where they show up now! (no date)
    -I see some comments on them, not good. lol ill see what i can do.
    2) Unplanned map testing, it just happened (4/18/10)
    -Glad to get it tested! Ty random peeps from social slayer!!
    3) Planed Update of the screen shots coming soon (Hopefully some time on 4/19/10)
    -Update DONE for screen shots. and i put it in a nice frame!!
    4) Map Update (Version 2) Coming soon.. (4/20/10)
    -LOTS of Changes!!
    5) Map Update / Gametype Update (4/20/10)
    - i finished the map, then i worked on the gametype and i think i have it done. i had some testing done on it and a few more update will have to be done on it. i will release it soon, later today...
    6) Version 2 is basically done, and so is the new Gametype.
    -I put both new links up
    7) Im ending this project! Woot! The map will still be up though!
    -Version 2 is done and 1000X better then version 1. All the ideas were used toward something i hope people will love :D

    #1 mooman219, Apr 17, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2010
  2. KillerOllie96

    KillerOllie96 Ancient

    Likes Received:
    It looks like a good big infection map, and you are right about having to have pictures, but can you turn them off when your taking the pictures? Its hard to see. I will download and check it out, but from what I can read and see, it lokks like a pretty good map! Well done!
  3. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    No effects! I can't see the pictures very well. But it does looks interesting. I like the way that the buildings get boarded up after a while, that is very creative. This is a download from me :)

    EDIT: can you make the links in your fileshare to the forge hub posts rather than the link plzzz
    #3 Elliot, Apr 17, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2010
  4. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The blur effect makes it look like Gears of war with Snow. But thats from what the screenies look like. Im gonna check it out. 3/5
  5. mooman219

    mooman219 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I was kinda going for a unused effect in this. the whole thing was trying to be original and doing something different. the picture i took well, fail. but i am trying lol. the last map i posted (the first one i posted) had no pics and a bad description. i got a warning for it. hopefully the next map i post will have actual action pictures and cleaner photos, sorry for the inconvenience.
    The reason why my sig goes right to is because i just haven't made the posts yet on forge hub. i'm a bad poster, this map post took me all night. and i didn't finish it till this morning.
    #5 mooman219, Apr 17, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2010
  6. Ferocious Leaf

    Ferocious Leaf Ancient

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    ok, so first off i would recommend taking screenshots while not in forge. it looks better. the map looks ok, and i'll checkit out later once i clear some space off my hd.
  7. KillerOllie96

    KillerOllie96 Ancient

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    While playing the game like I said I found out that is was, ummmm... modded.

    The map is not modded at all and is a great map, but the gametype has instant respawns and fake energy swords. Please change the gamemode to 3 second respawns and normal energy swords.
    #7 KillerOllie96, Apr 17, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2010
  8. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    WOAH! One of my maps is named Irondequoit! Freaky..well I guess I gotta change it now.
    On to the map. Please take out filters, I can't see very well with them on. Where does that teleporter lead to? If the all the buildings are accesible then that would be a pain for the zombies. Try blocking off some streets or put some durbis to defend on the streets. I like this map, but Ive seen better. Try making windows, more entrances to buildings, and escape routes in buildings. There are many things you could do to this map.
  9. mooman219

    mooman219 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Turtle BEETCH,
    -One of your maps is named Irondequoit, lol, The chances of dat.
    -The filters look fine on my TV, adjust the brightness for halo, and tell me if ya still dont like it, then ill look into changing it.
    -The teleporters lead to a different zombie spawns, just to give you the tactile advantage.
    -Yes i did make all the buildings open, but that is just to make it more real. they by any reason, not good camping spots. i made all of them close quarters for that very reason of human camping.
    -SOME of the streets do get blocked off after some time, and i would want to add some debris but i ran out of objects to place in the map.
    - the last few improvement you would like to see i will see to it that most of them get done, i like your input on my map
    #9 mooman219, Apr 17, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2010
  10. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    I love your incorporation of achievements.

    I don't think I've ever seen that before.

    In fact, if you don't mind, I may try something like that.

    I always put all sorts of little interesting things in my maps and no one ever seems to find them without me actually showing them. Putting in an achievement system would give hints as to those type of things.
  11. mooman219

    mooman219 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Lol Thanks! I don't mind anyone using this to get people to understand a map better! I basically copied it from Xbox. when i typed this up, i had no internet. so it was mainly to kill time but it looks like it turned out great!
    I would love to see where you add your achievements! Post me a link to a map you have it on when you have it, and ill try to get some friends to earn them with!
    #11 mooman219, Apr 19, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2010
  12. The1ToFear

    The1ToFear Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This gametype is modded.
    The swords are in the 'Halo 2' mod or something ...

    Mods are not supported on ForgeHub. Nice map, though :)
  13. mooman219

    mooman219 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, lol. about dat... it kinda was easier to balance this way then well, with real swords. Real Sword Hit Slower then "halo 2" ones. Also Regular melee hits slower then These swords. i can go to making a new game-type, ill see what i can do for balancing real sword wise ok?

    The Actual name for the swords are energy_sword_useless
    #13 mooman219, Apr 22, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2010
  14. KillerOllie96

    KillerOllie96 Ancient

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    Yer, Ive kinda already said that!

    I thing that it would be fine with real swords and normal respawns. Plus with the modded swords you cant lunge, so its a bit harder for the zombies in that way.
  15. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Fun Silence Fact #428:

    I live near Rochester, NY myself, and I actually grew up in Irondequoit.

    The map looks great. Although I dont play alot of infection, I love the town-urban styled maps. Keep up the great work.
  16. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Modded content of any kind is not allowed on Forge Hub...against the rules...not cool...banned. Threads with modded content are locked, like this one has been, and the links removed. Bungie do not support modded content, in fact they directly oppose it, so our promoting use and sharing of it on their Fileshares is just not gonna happen.

    If you do change the link to the modded gametype to a link to an un-modded one then this thread will be reopened, please PM me if you do so I can unlock it.

    Btw, nice Guardian-ing silence :p. Although you did just make my stalking efforts that little bit easier, merci.

    Modded content removed, thread unlocked.
    #16 Pegasi, Apr 27, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2010
  17. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    I read the original post, and posted a quick reply. haha
  18. mooman219

    mooman219 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ha Thanks for Uploading the new Link 4 me :D

    Want to hang out? Go to some abandoned building. Play hide and seek. I start. Ill count to 5. *Reloads* :D. No but really, thanks for the support :D

    I got a new map coming out! No name right now. my old name Falcon seems to come up as BLAM! whem im online so im looking for new ideas. Its a city map none the less. i put more buildings in it in this one (15 of them) compared to Irondequoit. Much more tactile. I revamped a whole new game type too allowing for 5 different types of zombies!

    Ill post all the information in my new map post coming soon
    #18 mooman219, Apr 28, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2010

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