Suggestions on predator?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by RageQuit, Apr 16, 2010.

  1. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    Remember those days where we always joined customs, and the game was predator? Aww the good old days. Ok.. I was lying. I hated predator! Camping was the problem. Anyways, my brother had the idea of reviving predator. So I thought of plenty of ideas. So far I have a quick map. I forged it on Foundry, and I placed a random weapons box. I want to know if that was a good idea. People usually hate armories, and I THINK random weapon boxes count. I was going to do the same concpet, but eliminating all the bugs. So any suggestions?
    Also, I was going to create a map pack. 2 regular game type, and one with KoTH.
  2. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    I just play Predator on default maps. Most of them work pretty well if you use the Predators variant without lasers.
  3. LD

    LD Ancient
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    Excuse me, but would someone Be Kind enough to explain predator to me?
  4. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Predator is an infection variant. Everyone has 1 life. Humans have default settings. The alpha zombie is the Predator. Settings are variable, but usually the Predator is faster than humans and can jump much higher. He also has good camo. His job is to kill all humans before being killed himself.

    I personally love playing Predator when the Predator has the following :
    - Energy Sword
    - Spartan Laser ( to simulate his shoulder mounted laser in the movie and to prevent groups of kids from camping )
    - Enough life/shields to withstand at least 1 shotgun blast, but will die with a shotgun melee combo. I can't stand those kids that have the Predator at 10% health and die when you breathe on them.
    - 75m Motion Tracker ( not advanced )

    Humans should have limited ammo so they don't camp and keep firing. Limited ammo adds to the suspense. Humans also have waypoints over their head for the Predator. I like giving the last man standing a benefit to make it more challenging at the end...
    - Poor camo ( to simulate Arnold covered in mud )
    - No waypoint
    - 10m motion tracker ( not advanced )

    This way at the end, the Predator should keep track of where the last players are at the end, then it becomes a match of 2 way hide and seek... both trying to crouch walk without setting off each other's motion sensor.

    The most important thing... be sure there's a time limit. 5-7 minutes is a decent amount of time. That way people that get killed early don't have to wait too long for the round to end.

    There's two maps that are usually used to play. One is usually called Predator, but is the worst forged piece of crap out there. The other is a map with a church, better forged... but still horrible. I prefer to play on my own map called H3_Trainyard on Sandbox, which is a throwback to a Counterstrike map.

    PILGRIM Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is what predator should be, Have you got a download link.

    Back on topic, predator should be on a really tall map that is easy for the predator to traverse. The map should also have some choke points for the predator to swoop down get a kill then escape quickly
  6. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The maps should have no dead ends
    and completely blocked in also it should
    have places high up were only the predetor can get to to drop down and suprise the humans.
  7. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Why dont you guys forge a new map... if you made it on sandbox you could call it concrete jungle (the second predator film's name if im not mistaken) which would suit it very well..
  8. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    If the Predator has a spartan laser, then the dead ends aren't so bad. He can take out multiple humans with one laser blast.

    Here's my variant... : Halo 3 File Details

    And the map I play it on... : Halo 3 File Details
  9. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    I actually made a map for predator, but we had to tweak the gametype in the map's favour. Although it does work fairly well, some bits are too open, and there are VERY obvious "do-not-go" areas, so I never released it.
  10. Belly391

    Belly391 Ancient
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    predator was a great gametype but the map, metal jungle was a bit out dated with no merging or even basic interlocks. we are currently re making preadator maps and creating new ones as part of a community map pack within our clan
  11. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    I remember a really swell map I've played on called Creed. The gametype was called Assassin, and it was unusually fun for a predator match. Camping wasn't a problem, as every corner seemed to have some kind of entrance right by it.

    As I recall, Humans had Shotties and a Sword (for the braver types), and the zombie's health was smaller than usual, so he could be killed from quite a distance. You had infinite ammo, but there were no weapons on the map, though there were some equipment.

    As a zombie, you started out atop a large tower. Moving would trigger a fusion coil to fall down, alerting the humans that the assassin had started his assault. You had nothing but a sword, but could easily hop from building to building, picking the humans off one by one. Camping/Hiding was never a problem, mostly due to the map design but also in part to the always-on waypoint above humans' heads.

    Traveling together was key, and a fun time was had by all who played. With any luck, I'll be able to post a slightly altered map and gametype designed for more balance.
    (Don't worry though, I won't take credit for the map)
  12. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    That's the stupid map I was talking about where the humans start off in the church. Camp in the middle of the hallway with everyone and guard both ends of the hallway and the predator can't get you. The version you're talking about is brainless with infinite ammo...

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