hey this is my first map it is called antorbis the orbis is latin for circle as there is a big cicle in the middle. it is a slayer, king of the hill and oddball map. weapon list: 1 sniper 1 battle rifle 1 shotgun 2 smgs 1 spiker 2 plasma rifles 1 needler 1 brute shot 1 energy sword 1 gravity hammer 1 covenant carbines 2 maulers 1 flamethrower equipment: 2 plasmas 1 power drain 1 flare 1 over sheld 1 active camo download map here (im new and ive linked this to my map in my file share) Download Antorbis its a tiny tiny tiny bit like guardian and blackout screenies: full view of the map view to the circle from one of the rooms view from the side of the map view from under the circle
I think I see some blackout and guardian in there... I'll be looking for more maps from you. You definitely have the capacity to go far. Would you mind putting a weapons list? You can't see much from the pics.
You could make your map look much better by merging more of the pieces together to make smooth railings and walkways. It would also play better because some unmerged pieces cause players to get stuck on bumps.
This map has alot of nice ideas, you have to really look at your map. I would expect alot of more maps from you that are better. Please, make a V2. This one is nice, but you could do better. There are alot of spots you could add. Little railings could be interlocked, many things could be done to improve. I don't really like the idea of having a flamethrower in the map. Try testing weapons. Add weapons and remove weapons. First I would take out the flamethrower then see what changes.
Map has some good ideas and looks nothing like gardian (cough cough) anywase i think you should realese a V2 with more interlocking and clean it up a bit because it just looks a bit sloppy. BTW does any of you know why i have to keep accepting* the forum rules because that whole 30 sec. of my life just keeps getting wasted and its quite hard on me.