For better quality and size, please download the wallpaper from: Make the Chief Proud Wallpaper by ~PhotoshopMiraj on deviantART Download Instructions: 1. Visit the link above. 2. Click the download link on the left side of the preview image.
Are you using .jpeg? Bleh. Looks like it's decaying; impossible to make out the figures on the platform.
Yes, I am. At the highest quality possible. The quality seems bad in the preview because deviant art scales down the image and made the quality look like crap. If you actually hit download, you may see a difference.
C'mon Miraj, the GFX Master that you are, I would expect you to know that .png is god in the GFX world..
I used Jpeg for compression. These wallpapers are large in size, and using Jpeg enables me to compress the file size.