Ultra Necro Bump. Anyways, I acquired this game last night after wanting it since it's release. And, as expected, I was blown the **** away. This game is amazing. Blizzard unquestionably has one of the most talented development teams in the world.
True dat. I still haven't finished this game though, even though I've owned it since the middle of last year. Just can't figure out an easy way to beat the last level, so I put it down and haven't touched it since. Looking forward to the next installment though, looks badass.
I figure it's better to necro bump than start a whole new topic, so... Does anyone here at FH still play StarCraft II? I recently picked it up again, and I'm loving it even though I suck. I'm a silver after the 6 month hiatus I took, which I suppose could be worse... Oh, and Heart of the Swarm coming soon. Should be cool.
So, has anyone picked up Heart of the Swarm? I downloaded it on Wednesday and have been playing it on and off for the last few days. I'm just on the last level of the campaign now. Not much of a multiplayer-player, so don't challenge me because I suck. It's pretty awesome, the story seemed to progress faster than it should have to me, but that's just me. One aspect I really enjoyed about it was the Evolution Missions. Anyone else have thoughts/comments about it?
I just finished not even 20 minutes ago, and I am so sad. I want Legacy of the Void now. ._. I do agree, the evolution missions were really cool, considering you can get a feel for how you can play with the next evolution. I barely used any of the units that they gave you though. The entire way through I only used Roach/Hydra with some zerglings mixed in there.
I was heavily into Starcraft 2 for it's mulitplayer but stopped playing due to how high the competition level is. It seems even after 6 strong months of playing you're still a noob of noobs. Plus so many really good players abuse the ranking system and play amongst lower skilled players and crush them. Even 4v4 (the most relaxed) is still very competitive and if you slack at all your teammates cuss you out then leave the game. I like the competition but damn, it gets so serious.
I've only touched the multiplayer once or twice, and I got pwned so hard it turned me off playing MP almost entirely. I'm just too slow at building I guess, and like to take my time to beef up my army before I make a move, so while I'm doing that, my opponent swoops in and eats my face off. I finished the campaign not long after I posted that, too. It was cool but, like you, I want LotV to come out tomorrow. Knowing Blizzard though it won't be out til 2020. And with the Evo missions, I found the Raptor lings to be helpful in the early missions, but they became redundant the harder the missions got. As a side note, Impalers + Swarm Hosts with flying Locust evo with pressurised gland mutation + Spore Crawlers as backup = best base defence ever.
I love the MP, but I'm far too bad at the game to play consistently. So, I play against bots or just replay the campaign. I'm actually replaying it right now, considering I replayed WoL and wanted to see if the story would differ. Lings in general became redundant later in the missions, but considering I'm having fun with this playthrough and just using cheats, Speedlings + God Mode = Insane fun.
This is an amazing game. I played this so many times before because before I got my Xbox, I was a PC gamer. So back then, Starcraft 2 and Minecraft were the games I played the most. This game has an amazing campaign and spectacular multiplayer that really made you think and react fast when playing.