No Merging here folks just save and quit. Save and quit. Save and quit. Sorry I zoned out must be all the repetition. Anyways this map is a combination of lavapit and extremelavapit and a trampoline. Jump down the center hole you might pop back out you might just die, or fly out wanna the holes in the foundation. I like it it's fun hope you like it to. DOWNLOAD : Halo 3 File Details CUSTOM : Halo 3 File Details Couple Pics For Ya:
This map was sort of confusing. The concept is difficult to grasp from what i can see from the pictures. I really don't understand how this would be fun either. Nothing to good or creative either.
lmfao. kilenum, when someone gives you constructive criticism, you take it and use it to make your map better, not tell them theyre a douche. But I agree, this map looks pretty poorly done. You didn't really use any advanced forging techniques and the map looks kind of rushed. The concept looks ok and might be kind of fun, but countless similar maps have been made. The map would be good if you take more time to forge neatly and learn some techniques like ghost-merging and interlocking.
You Dont need ghostmerging or any of that to make a fun map. So why dont you stop being a douche dl the map and play it, it's all vs. all try and knock each other off the edge. dude chill out. I made this map before I Knew about ghost merging I just thought I'd share it with the world. Thanks for the comments though!
I have never seen this sort of an idea before. Unfortunately your forge skills are obviously not up to date. Im sorry if I am criticizing your work but tis true. Anyway you may want to eliminate the random ramps you got goin on. They look quite ugly. Maybe if you could somehow incorporate them without them just being spread out. Secondly, of course the use of interlocking must be used in order to look beautiful. I don't make the rules. I highly suggest maybe you could seek help from some other forgers around the site and possibly ask them to assist in a version 2 perhaps. The idea that if you fall down, you may bounce back up or just fall to your death, gives players a sort of second wind which is nice. Please redo this map with the proper forging techniques and possibly add some aesthetic qualities into it.
the problem with this map is you have not explained the gametype and what you are suppose to do. I am just looking at a square with a hole in the middle with a load of crap in at the moment.
um, actually, i think u need to chill out. not trying to start a fight or anything but i'm not being a douche at all, i'm trying to help you make ur map better.
Thank you for all your comments. I agree the map does lack aesthetically but that's why it's not in the aesthetic section. It's just a stupid fun game nothing serious. I like the idea of a V2 also. And I do apologize im just trying to defend my map. Please check out versatile in the competitive section.
I zoned out too. The Ironic thing is, It would have taken you much less time to build this map using ghost merging, Saving and quitting is painfully slow and frustrating. Try it out! ...Zoning out....
Sorry, but you need some originality, though the second chance thing is new. Maybe a V2 with a better idea, but keep the second chance bit, and ghost merging, even though I have no idea how : P Most of these sorts are boring though, needs some more... AWESOMESAUCE!!!