Labryrinth Created by l HOFF l Labryinth is a symmetrical, close quarters combat map. At first there is only one way to your enemy, a twisting series of hallways. However one minute into the game, a room opens up revealing an alternate route. And carnage ensues. Both teams spawn on the other side of the room (From here on out the room will refer to the room that opens up, otherwise known as the mauler room) And must decide on what to do. You can either wait for the enemy to attack you, wait for the door to the room to open so that you can flank them, or rush the fuel rod in hopes getting first blood. In the room, there is a mauler and a trip mine. The door ways leading into the room have shield doors in front of them, that are slightly raised off the ground to allow fuel rod shots, and frag grenades to go under them. WEAPONS: (from memory) **Fuel Rod (180) x1 0 Spare Clips Mauler (180) x1 0 Spare Clips Assault Rifle (45) x2 1 Spare Clip Battle Rifle (45) x2 1 Spare Clip SMG (45) x2 1 Spare Clip Plasma Rifle (45) x2 Magnum (30) x2 2 Spare Clips **Brute Shot (180) 0 Spare Clips ** In Asymmetrical Games the Fuel Rod is replaced by a Brute Shot EQUIPMENT: (from memory) Regen (180) Trip Mine (180) Frag Grenade (30) x2 Spike Grenade (30) x2 Also I recommend you turn off radar, starting grenades, and have SMG starts. GAMETYPES SUPPORTED: Labyrinth supports all gametypes, but I recommend Capture the Flag, Oddball, VIP, or Slayer. Also as a side note, in asymmetrical games the door to the room opens in 30 seconds, and in symmetrical games the door opens in 60 seconds. And finally here are the pictures: (I removed the ceiling to take these, the map is inescapable) DOWNLOAD:
This looks better than most maze maps that you see on here, but I think a lot of people are tired of mazes in general. This may be different though, it looks more open than most others. I'll DL it after my stupid play. =)
Looks to me as though it would be easy to get up on the walls. Then they could either camp from above, or escape from the map.
Some of you people here need to learn to read...he said in his post that the ceiling was removed to take the pics and that the map is inescapable. Anyway, the map looks very well constructed, neat and clean and all of that. It does seem very small, I don't think it's any bigger than shown in one of the overview pics. I also don't know if a map that is that small can play well, but I trust that you've already tested it. My only complaint is one against maze/corridor based maps in general, and that is that it might give combat a sort of restricted feel and lead to a bunch of camping, AR fights, and melees. Nobody wants another Epitaph, so try to open the map up a bit more if you can.
You're right I did test it. And what I found is that SMG starts as well as no starting grenades plays best on this map. As for the AR fights there are only two on the map and are limited in ammo, so they shouldn't be that big of a problem. I suppose you could run into camping, but that's not exactly preventable, and as I said in the mauler room, the entrance ways have elevated shield doors which protect you from mauler shots, but leave them vulnerable to grenades and fuel rod shots. Through testing I found the map could support 2 v 2's as well as about a 4 person FFA. However the map supports 4 v 4's. (Or up to 8 people.) So hopefully this won't be the next Epitaph.
Yea, I think four people is max for this map. And SMG starts/no grenaeds is definitely a good idea. You've explained it pretty well, so I won't complain anymore. Just curious, how did you make the disappearing door mechanism?
I made a pair of grav lifts appear at 60 seconds (which are held in place by weapon holders suspended over the dumpsters) and set them to symmetrical only. Then I place another set of grav lifts over top of those that appear at 30 seconds and are set to asymmetrical only.