This map is for 4 people maximum. Lot of fun though 5 rounds king of the hill 1 sec. in the hill then starts new round. The design of the map in the beginning is not ghost merged but the center is. It's just A creative little 4 wheel drive map. Take a look tell me what you think. Thanks for looking. Download : Halo 3 File Details Costum : Halo 3 File Details Heres some pics:
Pretty awesome minigame you have there. it looks pretty balence have you got a starting gate? If you don't have a starting game i would recomend putting one in just so everyone is spawned and get to the warthog befor it starts, you don't have to put it in if you dont want to. Anyway the merging looks pretty mad and some Enduro for the warthogs, do the warthogs get stuck or tend to go pretty slow? Have you tested with 4 people? if you have not tested pm me and you can organise a date soo we can play it. anyway im not going to download not just yet anyway. I have to much crap on my xbox.
you should try making a team spawn at the bottom and one team at the top with BRs or summit to stop them getting to the top....
This is a mini game map. You should have a mod move it. It's not a Racetrack. Looks cool non the less.
Technically his post is correct since this is the Race Map section, not Race Track, and he posted a racing map. But I do agree the main objective for this map is more mini-game style than race. Anyways onto the map: I really do love the style of the map especially the multiple slopes. I would be nice to see the first giant hill designed more like the second one; with a rough terrain and mountainous feel, with random bulges and bumps every-which-way. You know it's always the simplest maps that seem to work best, and you pulled that off nicely!
Looks great just dl'ed. seems like a fantastic idea, but should certainly be expanded upon. I feel like this could turn out to be a great 1 sided mini game if you added some teleporters or something. GJ
I was torn on mini game or race map it's kinda both though but if I need to change it I guess someone will tell me. Thanks for all your input. Also as soon as you spawn get in the hog and go that's your starting point.Thanks again
Just got a game of this, while the map's concept is simple it is also extremely fun. The map was overall enjoyable to play on with its many bumps and the only complaint that I have is that the first part right infront of the spawns is unfair for the two warthogs in the middle because they often get stuck on it which is no fun. Also, I think that the last bit shoud be made a bit better. When I say this, I mean make it look a bit more than jsut a few double walls because it feel anticlimactic to me, and you certainly have enough objects/money to make it look a bit better. Aside from this, you should fix the gametype and make it so that 1)players have infinite lives. the game normally ends when there is only one person, so nobody gets a point. Instead \players should either have a really long respawn or respawn somewhere they can't do anything. Or just back at the beggining. 2)do not use plasma pistol starts. It's annoying. Shenanigansy, but annoying nevertheless. I don't really have anything else to say, Mt. How High is an enjoyable minigame to play when you have a small party, and I hope you consider making a V2!
It was ok but the game variant had one major flaw in it. You should make it two lives. Make the respawn time like 60 seconds. I was racing someone and whenever I would be in the lead, that person would simply just jump off the edge forcing the round to end and no one winning the point. If you put a really long respawn time, then no one could exploit that glitch. Not bad overall. If you make another one, make if a bit flatter so you don't get stuck on the way up sometimes.