Race to the finish

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by walrus freak, Apr 12, 2010.

  1. walrus freak

    walrus freak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is my first go at making a race map. I have seen alot of cool maps on here before but not many drag race maps. This should be a nice addition. The map is ment to be played with warthogs, I dont know if other vehicles will work or not. I is ment for 1v1 racing up to 3v3 if all seats are filled on the hogs. As far as i know it is cheat proof as my pictures will show. I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think.

    this is the start of the race
    when the light turns green
    trying to cheat
    all important map download:
    Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
    and the game type:
    Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 walrus freak, Apr 12, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2010
  2. Titanfugo

    Titanfugo Forerunner

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    Looks fun and original idea. although i am wondering if there is a gametype to go with it because other wise people could just shyoot each other at the start. 5/5 you got my DL
  3. walrus freak

    walrus freak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There should be a game type to go with it. It is in the link below the map link at the bottom of the post. The people can do no damage so the only way to kill is assination. I hope you enjoy the map. It is based solely on reaction time and is as far as i know impossable to cheat on. Let me know if you find any problems.
  4. Dirt Jockey

    Dirt Jockey Forerunner

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    You did a really nice job on this. You were right- theres not many Drag Races out there.
    I really like your starting gate. Alot of people use Radio Antennaes with Gravlifts, but your idea of Object Spawning the floor is much simpler and more reliable. The only thing I would change with this map is the Dividing border, because real Drag Races are an open track which allows for crazy accidents, And you would be able to cut the other guy off lol. Its not necessary to do that, just my personal preference. One more thing... A mongoose version would be nice! If you do something like this again, maybe consider releasing a 'mappack' of different vehicles.

    Keep up the awesome work
  5. walrus freak

    walrus freak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ill take your advice and will be making a more "unpredicatable racing stlye with no center diviror so there could be "accidents". I am also in the progress of making a mongoose version. What are your thoughts an a 4 lane version. I aslo like the map pack idea. I think i will try that out and maby make some ramps or somthing to make it more interesting. Thanks for the feedback.
  6. Ferocious Leaf

    Ferocious Leaf Forerunner

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    di any of you ever play the original super smash bros? on it there was a minigame called "race to the finish" where you would try to basically run agauntlet filled with enemies and obstacles before time ran out. tthe title made me think of that, and i was a little disappointed it was a race map. but i like the idea of a drag race, and i agree with dirt jockey's suggestions. maybe for a four lane version you could ghost merge columns into the floor so their just barely poking up, showing the "lanes" but not actually stopping the drivers from crossing over. that and it would look really cool. anyway, i like the map, and i'll download it to give it a try after i clear up a little space in my hd.
  7. walrus freak

    walrus freak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You gave me a good idea. I have been thinking about hoe to distinguihs between lanes and i think i might merge my comums so you can see the gold color but when you run over them it dosent effect your driving. if you guys think of any other ideas or ways to spice it up let me know.
    xbx gametag Church418
  8. CA53Y

    CA53Y Forerunner

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    You could add stands for aesthetics and use tin cup flags for racing flags.
  9. walrus freak

    walrus freak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I was also thinking about adding to the stands by making a bridge over the center of the track and maby putting a garage of some sort. Besides hogs and gooses what other vehicles should i put for the map pack. Another cool idea would be to make the vehicals go to opposite hills in opposite directions. You would put it behind the enemy start line but block it off to the close person. Then they would race at each other. What do you think about that?
    #9 walrus freak, Apr 12, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2010
  10. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    I would love to see a map pack from you with some new maps like this one. It seems like all the ideas that are being thrown at you should put you in the right direction. (I think the flag idea would fit this style map perfectly). Also, maybe the next one could be a little bit longer? Other than that, i cant wait to see more maps from you.
  11. CA53Y

    CA53Y Forerunner

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    lol Thats a great idea i would have never thought of like that. You should definitely work on a map pack, because i think this is going to get popular.
  12. fluffnub3

    fluffnub3 Forerunner

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    you could maybe add in a few little ramps along the track, or anything that might make your vehicle destabilize and possibly fall off :)
  13. walrus freak

    walrus freak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Another idea i just got was to make a map that is in a shape of an x and would work like this one but cars would fight in the center like a demo derby or a map where you have to jroform jumps like the monster truck ralley. My next thought is like an map i saw a few days ago. I dont rember the name but it was like a hill climb event. Let me know what you think and vhen i get back from vacation I will start making my first racepack
  14. Titanfugo

    Titanfugo Forerunner

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    Thats what i was thinking too. If you could make a v2 with a longer track it would allow for such vehicles as ghosts and choppers to be used, and i also really love the 4 lane idea with no dividers. Gameplay would be even more fun because of the added effect of having to watch your opponets to make sure they arent trying to cut you off. Still, i loved this v1 and i look forward to seeing a map pack (or maybe vehicle pack?) or even just more maps from you.
  15. walrus freak

    walrus freak Ancient
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    I was wondering when i make my new maps what type of vehicals would you like me to put on besides the standard hog and goose?
  16. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Mongooses would be cool. Your map is ok. The runway is way too short. If it was like two or three times as long, then it would be much better. Make a VIP variant for it. Once you reach one point the round ends. Again, cool starting idea, but the runway is far too short.
  17. walrus freak

    walrus freak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ya in my next maps or varients i will probaly make it longer but one question. why would i make a vip gametype? i have it set up for koth. let me know if you captur faster in vip but if not then i dont know if i will change it
  18. Dirt Jockey

    Dirt Jockey Forerunner

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    Vip is an instant capture, where King of the hill takes about a second. It doesnt sound like much, but when you are racing, it makes a HUGE difference because you can drive right through the hill if you are going fast enough.
    There is alot of great advice here walrus, but dont get too over zealous...
    Remember, Quality over Quantity!
  19. walrus freak

    walrus freak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ya your right and thanks for the vip advice. For now i will design all the maps on my computer but i will probally start out with a veriety map pack for my origanal. ill do diff vehicals, "chicken" meaning opp direction and maby add some obstacal course varients. However everyone seems to want the 4 lane mongoose varient so that will be put out asap. I have allready started saving designs on my computer.
  20. falcan125

    falcan125 Forerunner

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    this is very similar idea to my drag racing maps that i made a couple moths ago i didnt upload them but if any1 wants to check them out just send me falcan125 a friend request ps walrus freak you should check them out because this is a nice first attempt but i think if i show you mine it may give you some ideas

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