haha ive been thinking the same thing for a while but I couldn't think of anything that he could call it instead, so I just didn't mention it .
english plz? fweedee :L wtf does that mean? Also i was thinking for the map pack, as it already is going to be a difficult choice which maps get in, that they should support at least 2 of the RS gametypes to be considered (just a suggestion), because this would make the maps more usable and mean that all gametypes are likely to be covered by the maps in the pack. (considering that there is now 5 gametypes in testing or confirmed)
I reckon we should have the Regen Slayer map pack and the Regen Objective map pack. That way it breaks it down a little and doesn't overwhelm people with 10 maps (2 for each). Also :O its 3D (fweedee) Also how can I improve my regen oddball gametype. --- Compare:
omgosh fweedee it smexy. mm im not sure, i still think all the maps should be compatible with at least 2 of the gametypes (even if that is just FFA RS and TRS) @ the bit about the oddball thingy, i personally really liked the skull one you did, but steve did say something about decreasing the size of the regen logo on it, and i kinda see where hes coming from on that bit EDIT: oh i see'z you have now edited ur post with the gametypes.. I'm still happy with them, and it looks like you have already decreased the size of the regen logo to about the right size, so i have no further comments . EDIT 2: Also, on dee subject of the name of the general gametype instead of Regeneration Slayer, i twas thinking maybe the name of an armour. E.g. MJOLNIR Regeneration (sp?), or MARK V Regeneration. I dunno really, i see the problem with calling it Regeneration Slayer, but also I don't think Flux Regeneration suits it. It is quite difficult to think of something suitable though.
Haha, ok cool. My map Gyroscope will be setup for FFA Regen oddball as well as already being setup for FFA Regen Slayer. I think I will also set it up for normal FFA slayer but thats a different topic. I hope steve likes my new oddball variant. Also I dont know what that fweedee logo could be used for? Also I still dont know how regen oddball would work.
a banner? :L Although i like the way B3NW's banners are going, so maybe we should just leave that to him. And the oddball regen works basically in the same way as king regen works, except holding the ball works as the hill (obviously you can move it now). I am really interested in seeing it in action though. Also me may start trying to make some graphics, although me may probably fail. ( i dont have any decent software on this computer )
Hey guys... I've tweaked settings in all gametypes RS and TRS, Ball and TeamBall Score to Win 150/250 Scoring: Kills : 1 Hill / Ball : 2 Time Limit: 12 minutes Flag Flag return : 10s Falg Idle time: 30s Time Limit: 15 Minutes Aye the fweedee icon looks better, now that ontop of the other banner would look pretty sweet. And crypto, the ball one looks pretty cool, but now can you make one for teamball? ----- EDIT: Also, the regeneration gametypes could be called Regeneration Skillpack (as a whole)? EDIT EDIT: New Rustoms link up at top of thready
In other words way too much right? seriously this is forge discussion. if you guys wanted to talk about designing logos and whatever there is a section for it.
Personally, I think no. You're wrong. This is all still to do with a a gametype, which belongs in the FORGE section, and in fact many of the posts, despite having new graphical representations still have comments about the gametypes, maps and everything else related. There is no point having it in two separate threads which would mean we have to keep going back and forth between sections, and if you are not interested in how this gametype develops until its proper release (including the graphics for it), don't bother coming back onto the thread, because after all, that is what this section of Forgehub is for. Sorry if I come across a bit rude, but that is just my opinion.
all I'm saying is that the thread has gone borderline off topic for a good 50 or so posts. whatever, just giving my opinion.
It was fair enough for you to raise the point, but I personally don't see a problem with it. At the end of the day, it will come down to what the Moderator's think, and none of them have said anything thus far, despite this going on for days. But for now, can we try and get back on topic? The thread for this weeks "Rustoms" is now up (I thought i'd let everyone know as steve hasn't mentioned it ). Clicky here to join in.
Dude, you've just made it go even further off topic by bringing this whole thing up. Now can you go and complain somewhere else and leave the people who are interested in this thread to comment. Thankyou. --- The oddball gametype would just be the same for both. It is for the normal gametypes so I dont really see why it needs to be changed. Regeneration Skillpack sounds horrible. Sorry no offense. What if you called it the Regeneration Map Pack (keep it simple)? RUSTOMS!!!!
A mod hasn't contacted any of us to ask us to move the graphical side of things to G&A, most likely because the graphics are for the good of the gametype and if it improves the look of the OP and makes people get more interested, then what is wrong with discussing it here? Also, I believe discussion about the graphics is over unless some new mode of the gametype comes out Also, any comments on the banner I made?
The text doesn't stand out enough so it's hard to see. I like the watermark background with the regenerator symbol though.