Some of you may have seen my earlier map preview of my race map that I was making, and I am happy to say that it is finally complete! So now I need 5 people to help me test it out. The testing will begin on Friday, April 16th at 6:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. (We can nagotiate a time) Now for one more picture describing why I called my map CrAzY 8. So just post below if you want to help me test out my map.
i think the track is looking great, and the 8 is really unique and looks challenging. Unfortunately, with it being a friday, I am likely to be out with mates at this time, so I will probably not be able to help test. Although, I do recommend you posting this in the Testers Guild.
Okay, thanks for the tip, I will try and post this on the testers guild. Is there a link to the website because I have never heard of it before?